Introduction: 為培養現代化行政管理人才,整合院(校)內各系所相關教學研究資源,配合教育部高教回流政策,於88學年度起開辦本在職碩士學位學程。並自106學年度起與國防部合作,建立現役軍人在職進修管道,陸續成立國防專班與領導決策專班,以強化軍文交流,共同培育學養經驗俱佳的優質領袖人才。 To integrate teaching and researching resources within various departments in the campus, and in accordance with higher recurrent education policy of Ministry of Education, the Master for Eminent Public Administrators (MEPA) program was established in 1999 to cultivate modern administrative talents. Since 2017, MEPA has cooperated with the Ministry of National Defense, and offer s the National Defense Program and Leadership with Decision Making Program, founding channels of on-the-job training for active duty soldiers, strengthening communication between militar y officers and civil servants, and cultivating military talent with education and experience.