[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
服務型智慧政府策略校準對政府績效影響之研究 – 資訊科技治理的調節效應
林君憶 ; Lin, Juin-Yi ; 洪為璽
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
洪為璽 ; 林君憶 ; 季延平 ; Hung, Wei-hsi ; Lin, Chun-yi ; Chi, Yan-ping
[2019智慧企業資訊應用發展國際研討會] 會議論文
張智為 ; 洪為璽
[資訊管理學系] 學位論文
賴玟錡 ; Lai, Wen-Chi
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Understanding the service gap between caregivers and recipients in the smart bed system
洪為璽 ; Li, Eldon Y. ; Hung, Wei Hsi ; Huang, Yu-Wen ; Chang, Jia-Xiang
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Understanding the Organizational Critical Activities of Manufacturers in Taiwan: Three Case Studies
洪為璽 ; Lu, Tsung-Yueh ; Wu, Mei-Fang ; Lin, Yun-Chen ; Hung, Wei-Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Understanding Players’ Achievement Values from MMORPGs: An Exploratory Study
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Lin, C.Y ; Fang, K.T ; Tu, C.C.
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
The Key Success Factors of Application of Non-Fungible Token in Marketing
洪為璽 ; Wang, Tzu-Hao ; Hung, Wei-His ; Yang, Tsai-Ni
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
The impact of border control policy on tourists’ behaviors in Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chen, Chiang-Ming ; Jih, Chia-Yu ; Lin, Yu-Chen
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
The Effect of Product Knowledge of Point Co-branded Cards on Brand Perception Benefits and Customer Satisfaction
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
The effect of Airbnb and business cycle on the price elasticity of demand in the hotel industry
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Chen, Chiang-Ming ; Lin, Yu-Chen ; Jih, Chia-Yu
[資訊管理學系] 專書/專書篇章
Success of National Healthcare Services Information Systems
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Strengthening Existing Internet of Things System Security: Case Study of Improved Security Structure in Smart Health
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; 張智為 ; Chang, Chih-Wei
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Sharing Information Strategically in a Supply Chain: Antecedents, Content and Impact
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Ho, Chin-Fu ; Jou, Jau-Jeng ; Tai, Yi-Ming
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Sharing Information in a High Uncertainty Environment: Lessons from the Divergent Differentiation Supply Chain
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Lin, Chieh-Pin ; Ho, Chin-Fu
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Service Quality and Service Gap of Autonomous Driving Group Rapid Transit System
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Hsu, Yao-Tang
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Selecting Performance Indicators for Information Systems Departments: A Study on the Banking Industry (in Chinese)
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; 張碩毅 ; 洪新原 ; 董秋瑾 ; 黃士銘 ; 李興漢
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Revival of Classical Algorithms: A Bibliometric Study on the Trends of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Lou, Ta-Feng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Relationship Bonding for Better Knowledge Transfer Climate: An ERP Implementation Research
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Ho, Chin-Fu ; Jou, Jau-Jeng ; Kung, Kao-Hui
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Publication Productivity of IS Researchers in the Pacific Asia Region: An Analysis of DSS and I
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Hung, Shin-Yuan ; Kang, Tsan-Ching ; Tang, King-Zoo
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Principles of Increasing the Interactivity of Mobile Applications of Smart Parking
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chuang, Kai-Ju ; Liao, Yen-Chieh
[廣告學系] 期刊論文
Organizational Adaptation for Using PLM Systems: Group Dynamism and Management Involvement.
洪為璽 ; Kung, Kao-Hui ; Ho, Chin-Fu ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Wu, Chuan-Chun
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Measuring the Alignment of Websites and Organisational Critical Activities
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; McQueen, Robert John ; Yen, David C. ; Chau, Patrick Y. K.
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Longitudinal Study on 5G Vertical Innovation Application under the Global Patent Portfolio: Multiple Countries Comparison
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Linking Web Design Strategy with Business Strategy
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Kung, Kao-Hui ; Wu, Chuan-Chun ; Liao, Chun-Chia
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Linking organisational critical activities with business typology
Hung, Wei-Hsi ; McQueen, Robert John ; Hsu, Wen-Hsiu ; 洪為璽
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Linking Organisational Critical Activities with Business Typology.
洪為璽 ; Hung, W.H. ; McQueen, R.J. ; Hsu, W.H.
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Linking Business Growth Strategy with Organizational Critical Activities
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Wang, Tzu-Hao ; Chuang, Yi-Cheng ; Huang, Yu-Wen
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Knowledge Management Strategies Based on Environment -Dependent and Organizational Learning Patterns
洪為璽 ; 侯君溥 ; 張益誠 ; 周昭正 ; 吳文雄 ; Hung, Wei-hsi ; Ho, Chin-fu ; Chang, I-cheng ; Jou, Jau-jeng ; Wu, Wen-hsiung
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Key factors of adopting energy management systems in building sector in Taiwan
張智為 ; Chang, Chih-Wei ; Hung, Wei Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
How Social Impact Affects Smartphone Brand Loyalty
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Tseng, Chih-Lang ; Ho, Chin-Fu ; Wu, Chung-Cheng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
High Impact IS Papers and Researchers in the Pacific Asia Region
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Hung, Shih-Yuan ; Kang, Tsan-Ching ; Tang, King-Zoo
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Factors Influencing the Success of National Healthcare Services Information Systems: An Empirical Study in Taiwan
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chang, Li-Min ; Lee, Mei-Hui
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Exploring the Impact of Web-based E-Procurement on Performance: Organisational, Interorganisational, and Systems Perspectives
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Lin, Chieh-Pin ; Tai, Yi-Ming ; Ho, Chin-Fu ; Jou, Jau-Jeng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Evaluating Web Site Support Capabilities in Sell-Side B2B Transaction Processes: A Longitudinal Study of Two Industries in New Zealand and Taiwan
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Tsai, Chia-An ; Hung, Shin-Yuan ; McQueen, Robert J. ; Jou, Jau-Jeng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Evaluating the properties of a coating material with polycaprolactone-degradable fluorinated silicon-containing waterborne polyurethane
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Hsu, Yao-Tang ; Wang, Wen-Hsin
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Evaluating the Performance of Government Policies: From Spatial and Temporal Perspectives
林義倫 ; Lin, Yi-Luen ; Hung, Wei-His
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Establishment of biometric verification system on border control
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Lin, I-Chen
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Establishment of Biometric Verification System Based on Design Science Research Methodology and Sensing System for Smart Border Control
林逸塵 ; Lin, I-Chen ; Hung, Wei-Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Establishment of Biometric Verification System Based on Design Science Research Methodology and Sensing System for Smart Border Control
林逸塵 ; Lin , I-Chen ; Hung, Wei-Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
ERP success in the SMEs: The perspectives of Service Quality and Social Cognitive Theory
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chang, Li-Min ; Yen, David C. ; Ho, Chin-Tsang ; Chiang, Mei-Chen
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
ERP Research in Information System Field: A Multiple-Dimension Review
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Lin, Chieh-Pin
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
E-readiness of Website Acceptance and Implementation in SMEs
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chang, L. M ; Lin, C. P ; Hsiao, C. H.
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Enablers and Processes for Effective Knowledge Management
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan ; Ho, Chin-Fu
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Effects of Utilitarian and Hedonic Emotion on the Use of Online Banking Service
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Tseng, Chih-Lang ; Chang, Fang-Kai ; Ho, Chin-Fu
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Does the Proactive Personality Mitigate the Adverse Effect of Technostress on Productivity in the Mobile Environment?
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chen, Kuanchin ; Lin, Chieh-Pin
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Developing an Evaluation Instrument for e-Commerce Web Sites from the First-Time Buyer’s Viewpoint
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; McQueen, Robert J
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Design principles of Wiki system for knowledge transfer and sharing in organizational education and training
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Wang, Wen-Hsin
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Critical Successful Factors of Adopting Building Information Modelling Systems
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Chi, Yan-Ping ; Hsu, Yao-Tang
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Critical Success Factors of Mobile Commerce Adoption: A Study Based on System Life Cycle and Diamond Model (in Chinese)
洪為璽 ; Chang, She-I ; Hung, Yu-Chung ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chang, I-Cheng ; Peng, Tien-Cheng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Critical Factors of the Adoption of e-Textbooks: A Comparison Between Experienced and Inexperienced Users
Hung, Wei-Hsi ; 洪為璽 ; Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan ; Huang, Yao-De
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Critical Factors of Hospital Adoption on CRM System: Organizational and Information System Perspectives
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Hung, Shin-Yuan ; Tsai, Chia-An ; Jiang, Shu-Chen
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Critical Factors of Adopting Enterprise Application Integration Technology: An Empirical Study on Larger Hospitals
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chang, I-Cheng ; Yen, David C. ; Lee, Che-Ming
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Critical acceptance factors of cloud-based public health records
洪為璽 ; 李有仁 ; Hung, Wei His ; Chang, I. Cheng ; Yang, Zong Cheng ; Li, Eldon Y.
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Continued usage intention of novice and expert players in social network games
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Chuang, Kai-Ju
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Constructing the Smart Hotel Architecture – A Case Study in Taiwan
Lai, Wen-Chi ; 洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Cloud PLM adoption: a multiple perspectives approach
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Lai, Wen-Chi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Classification of Research Results on Information Systems Alignment
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Building the Evaluation Model of the IT General Control for CPAs Under Enterprise Risk Management
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Huang, Shi-Ming ; Yen, David C. ; Chang, I-Cheng ; Jiang, Dino
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Augmented Reality Applied in Road Excavation System of Government
林義倫 ; Lin, Yi-Luen ; Hung, Wei-His
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
A Study of Exploring Social Commerce User Satisfaction and Stickiness based on TPE: Taking Instagram as an Example
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Lin, Chieh-Pin ; Chang, Fang-Kai ; Chang, Chin-Lin ; Tseng, Yu-Ju
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
A Study of Conflict and Resistant Behaviors in the Implementation of the Ecosystem Platform
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Tsai, Yen-Sheng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
A Self-Assessment Framework for Global Supply Chain Operations: Case Study of a Machine Tool Manufacturer
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chang, Fang-Kai ; Lin, Chieh-Pin ; Chang, I-Cheng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Architectural sustainability and efficiency of enhanced waterproof coating from utilization of waterborne poly (Siloxane-Imide-Urethane) copolymers on roof surfaces
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Wang, Wen-Hsin ; Hsu, Yao-Tang
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Applying Decision Trees to Analyze Traffic Accident Scenario Factors
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Lin, Chieh-Pin ; Chang, Fang-Kai ; Hua, Jian-Ming ; Huang, Yu-Fang
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
An integrated model of supply chain resilience and its impact on supply chain performance under disruption
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Juan, Shih-Jung ; Li, Eldon Y.
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Analyze the Rationality of Levying a Hoarding Tax on Constructors Based on System Dynamics
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Chen, Sheng-Hung
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
A mixed-methods approach to identifying and exploring the causes of the electronic service gap between hospital website developers and users
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Tseng, Chih-Lang ; Chang, Fang-Kai ; Wu, Yi-Che
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
A Markov Chain Model to Analyze the Entry-and-Stay States of Frequent Visitors to Taiwan
林逸塵 ; Lin, I-Chen ; Hung, Wei-Hsi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
A low-cost intelligent tracking system for clothing manufacturers
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-His ; Tsai, Yen-Sheng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Aligning Websites With Enterprise Success: An Evaluative Approach
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Ku, Cheng-Yuan ; McQueen, Robert John ; Chang, Li-Min
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Aligning 4C Strategy with Social Network Applications for CRM Performance
洪為璽 ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Hung, Wei-Hsi ; Chang, I-Cheng ; Chen, Yan ; Ho, Ying-Li
[資訊科學系] 期刊論文
A comparison of consumers’ brand attitude and brand image between virtual worlds and websites - differences in high and low brand familiarity levels
謝佩璇 ; Hsieh, Pei-Hsuan ; Hung, Wei-His ; Yeh, Yu-Lin
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
A Case Study of Digital Transformation through Cross-Team Collaboration in Taiwan
洪為璽 ; Tseng, Ching-Jiun ; Hung, Wei-Hsi