政治大學國際金融學院碩士雙語學位學程整合國內外產、官、學界首席師資共同授課。結合台聯大系統中的清華、中央以及陽明交通大學相關領域系所的師資協力合作,並期與新加坡國立大學、美國華盛頓大學(西雅圖)、美國維吉尼亞大學等國際名校合作,建立學員與國內外一流師資共同交流、學習的友善基地。 Master’s Program in Global Banking and Finance integrates domestic and international leading experts from industry, government, and academia for joint teaching. NCCU has newly collaborated with related departments in the University System of Taiwan for faculty cooperation, and plans to cooperate with renowned international institutions such as National University of Singapore, University of Washington (Seattle), and University of Virginia in the United States to establish a friendly platform for students to engage in mutual exchange and learning with top-tier faculty members from both domestic and international institutions.
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