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    Title: 永續金融與影響力投資對台灣金融業財務績效的影響
    The Impacts of Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing on the Financial Performance of Taiwan's Financial Industry
    Authors: 王彥傑
    Wang, Yan-Jie
    Contributors: 蔡政憲
    Tsai, Cheng-Hsien
    Wang, Yan-Jie
    Keywords: 永續金融
    Sustainable Finance
    Impact Investing
    Social Return on Investment
    Financial Industry
    Financial performance
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2025-02-04 15:41:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討主要探討永續金融與影響力投資對台灣金融業財務績效的影響,部分學者認為 ESG 表現與企業績效無顯著關係,但亦有研究表明良好的 ESG 表現可創造競爭優勢並提升財務績效。本主題透過迴歸模型方式進行,永續金融部分採用 ESG 總分、ESG事件分數作為自變數;影響力投資部分則採用社會投資報酬率(SROI)、社會與人權分數為自變數,依變數財務績效則採用:資產報酬率 (ROA)、股東權益報酬率 (ROE)、每股盈餘 (EPS)、Tobin’s Q。研究結果顯示,永續金融與影響力投資對於財務績效指標中的每股盈餘有負的顯著影響;而對於其他財務績效指標:資產報酬率、股東權益報酬率、Tobin’s Q無顯著影響,在永續金融與影響力投資的浪潮下,確對部分財務績效有顯著影響。永續金融與影響力投資為未來趨勢,而多數企業在投入永續或影響力投資後亦不太在意財務績效的變化,係因世界永續遠比財務績效表現良好更重要,未來透過公私部門協力合作,方能創造更具有雙贏空間的發展策略。
    This study explores the impact of sustainable finance and impact investing on the financial performance of Taiwan's financial industry. Some scholars argue that ESG performance has no significant relationship with corporate performance, while other research suggests that strong ESG performance can create a competitive advantage and improve financial outcomes.The analysis employs a regression model, using ESG scores and ESG event scores as independent variables for the sustainable finance segment. For the impact investing segment, Social Return on Investment (SROI) and social and human rights scores are used as independent variables. Financial performance is assessed using Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Earnings Per Share (EPS), and Tobin's Q.The results indicate that sustainable finance and impact investing have a significant impact on Earnings Per Share (EPS) but no significant effect on other financial performance indicators such as ROA, ROE, and Tobin's Q. While sustainable finance and impact investing represent prevailing trends, they show notable impacts on certain financial performance metrics. Sustainable finance and impact investing are future trends. Most companies investing in sustainability or impact initiatives are less concerned with changes in financial performance, as global sustainability is deemed more critical than achieving superior financial results. Future development strategies with greater win-win potential can be achieved through collaboration between the public and private sectors.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0112ZB1072
    Data Type: thesis
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