政大國際金融學院採雙語授課,以4大主軸,包括國際資產管理、金融創新與商品、ESG責任投資與普惠金融,以及金融法遵與監理,來結合產業界的量能,共同規劃相關的課程。透過政大國際金融學院,培養更多國際資產管理人才,擴大財富管理業務規模,吸引更多國際機構和資金來到臺灣。 The College of Global Banking and Finance adopt bilingual teaching, implementing four course models that include Global Asset Management, Financial Innovation and Commodities, ESG Investment & Financial Inclusive, RegTech & Compliance to configure sustainable actions toward industrial innovation and prosperities. Our college aims to recruit and cultivate future global talents for high-level asset management trainings in order to reinforce the development of financial industry. And in turn, achieving national development schemes to incentivize international capital influx and encourage investments from global institutes at larger scale.
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