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    Title: 吸引家族辦公室設立因素探討:以新加坡為個案探討對象
    Exploring Factors for Attracting Family Office Establishments: A Case Study of Singapore
    Authors: 謝欣穎
    Hsieh, Hsin-Ying
    Contributors: 周冠男

    Chou, Robin K
    Ko, Kuan-Cheng

    Hsieh, Hsin-Ying
    Keywords: 家族辦公室
    Family Office
    Tax Incentives
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-10-04 10:43:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以新加坡為案例,探討其在吸引全球家族辦公室設立上的成功因素。家族辦公室作為高淨值家族資產管理的核心機制,不僅涵蓋投資、財務、稅務與遺產規劃,更促進家族企業的長期發展與傳承。新加坡憑藉其具吸引力的稅務政策、完善的法規體系與專業人才吸引力,成為亞太地區家族辦公室的首選設立熱點。新加坡政府推出的全球商業投資者計劃(Global Investor Programme, GIP)通過提供永久居留與稅收優惠,吸引了大量外來資金,推動新加坡成為全球財富管理的重要樞紐,進一步鞏固其在全球財富管理市場中的地位。
    This study uses Singapore as a case to examine the factors behind its success in attracting global family offices. As a key mechanism for managing high-net-worth family assets, family offices not only handle investment, finance, tax, and estate planning but also support long-term business growth and succession. Singapore, with its favorable tax policies, strong regulatory framework, and professional talent, has become a leading hub for family offices in the Asia-Pacific region. Through its Global Investor Programme (GIP), offering permanent residency and tax incentives, Singapore has attracted significant foreign capital, solidifying its role in global wealth management.
    Taiwan also shows promise in developing family offices. With its strengths in high-tech industries like semiconductors and a growing base of high-net-worth individuals, Taiwan has a solid foundation for growth. By enhancing its regulatory environment, adjusting tax policies, and developing professional talent, Taiwan can attract more international family offices and strengthen its position in the global wealth management market. Drawing from Singapore's success, Taiwan can boost its competitiveness and promote local wealth management development.
    Based on literature review and case analysis, this study offers specific policy recommendations to help Taiwan enhance its potential in family office development, improve competitiveness, and foster sustainable growth in family businesses.
    Reference: 英文文獻
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