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    Introduction: 本系成立於民國八十一年八月,前身係東方語文學系俄語組;於民國八十九年增設俄國語文學系碩士班。為邁向國際化,並擴展學生各種語文學習環境,使學生擁有優勢競爭力, 更名為斯拉夫語文學系,除原有俄文專業外,增設捷克語文學程及波蘭語文學程 。本系旨在積極培育各方面之俄語人才。教學兼顧理論與實際,除培養學生自由運用俄文之能力外,並加強俄國文學、文化、政治、社會、經濟等知識之傳授,使學生能成為語言、文學、翻譯、國際事務、新聞及經貿等專業俄語人才。

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    Showing items 26-50 of 807. (33 Page(s) Totally)
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    2024-08 How L1 Chinese learn the Czech language: The case of Czech instrumental 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    1998-05 HTML俄語教材實作 劉心華
    2016-09 Immigrant Language Policy and its Impact on the Construction of Identity in Central and Eastern European Contexts: Vietnamese Migrant Community in the Czech Republic 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2019-09 Impact of Language Planning on Language Attitude: How do Czech university students view Czech-Slovak language contact? 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-Hui
    2017-05 Influence of alignment uncertainty on homology modeling 張家銘; Chang, Jia-Ming; Notredame, Cedric
    2022-08 K prefixům v češtině čínských rodilých mluvčích (論漢語母語者的捷克語動詞前綴) 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2019-06 Language and Cultural Planning in Siberia: Boarding School System Represented in the Texts of the Siberian Indigenous Writers 林蒔慧; 亞榴申娜; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui; Laguta, Olga
    2008-08 Language and culture: Place naming derived from animal names in Taiwan indigenous languages 林蒔慧; Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa; Chao, Tsung-Yi
    2013-09 Language Management Approach in an inquiry of Sakizaya speakers in Hualien City 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2010-01 Language, place and identity: The politics of place and language in the formation of indigenous identity in Hualien, Taiwan 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui; 陳毅峰; Chen, Yi-fong
    2008-08 Language, place and identity: The politics of place and language in the formation of indigenous identity in Hualien, Taiwan 林蒔慧; Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa
    2020-08 Language planning and language attitudes: A study of Czech university students’ position with respect to the Czech-Slovak language contact 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui; Sloboda, Marián; Nábělková, Mira
    2016-12 Law as Nation`s Value Indication in the Novel 賴盈銓; Lai, Ying-Chuan
    2016-06 Limits of EU language policy for migrants: Based on the study of Vietnamese migrant community in the Czech Republic to observe current refugee communities in Central and Eastern Europe 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2016-12 Limits of the EU language education policy for migrants: a comparative study of the Vietnamese migrant community in the Czech Republic and the new immigrants in Taiwan 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2015-02 Linguistic choices for the identity of “China” in the discourse of Czech Sinologists 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2016-05 Linguistic Choices for the Identity of “China” in the Discourse of Czech Sinologists 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2017-10 Linguistic integration policy and its impact on the construction of language identity: The Vietnamese migrant community in Czechia 林蒔慧
    2022-06 Literary interactions between China and Czechia: A case study of “soft power” 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui
    2010 Lovectví a pojmenování míst v bununštině (Hunters and the place naming in Bunun) 林蒔慧; 趙聰義
    2016-11 Main street of the Ural: Creating the ‘Chusovaia’ metanarrative 莉托斯卡; Litovskaia, Maria
    2024-09 Motion Verbs in the Second/Foreign Language Acquisition of Czech: a corpus-based study on non-native speakers of Czech with Chinese L1 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-hui; Škodová, Svatava
    2021-08 NCCU Learner Corpus of Slavic Languages (LCSL) 林蒔慧; Lin, Melissa Shih-Hui; 葉相林; YEH, HSIANG-LIN; Сянлинь, Е
    2014-04 Nomadic and Taiga Schools in Siberia – Escapism or Integration? 亞榴申娜; Laguta, O. N.
    2010-04 On the problem of modernistic images typology (prose by F. Sologub) К ПРОБЛЕМЕ ТИПОЛОГИИ МОДЕРНИСТСКИХ ОБРАЗОВ (НА МАТЕРИАЛЕ ПРОЗЫ Ф. СОЛОГУБА) 瓦列格夫; Волегов, А. В.

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