簡介:本所於民國63年8月成立碩士班,並於同年招生。嗣後於73年6月奉准設置博士班。鑑於環境變遷與學術社群之需求,83年11月28日更名「中山人文社會科學研究所」。96年6月20日正式獲教育部同意於97學年度更名「國家發展研究所」。 The institute was established in 1974, began offering courses toward a master’s degree, recruiting students that same year. In 1984, the institute began offering a Ph.D. program. In November 1994, in order to respond to the changing needs of the academic community and society, the institute was renamed the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (also known as the Sun Yat-sen Graduate Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities). On 20 June 2007, with the permission of the Ministry of Education, the institute was given its present name, the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (GIDS).