Introduction: 本校自85年起實施系所合一制,原「民族研究所」建制與「民族學系」合併,統稱為「民族學系(學士班與碩士班)」。而為更進一步培養國內民族學研究的專業人才,本系於民國90年奉准招收博士生。至此本系之學士、碩士、博士教育遂成整體一貫。 The “Graduate Institute of Nationalities Studies” developed into the “Department of Ethnology”(民族學系)and began to offer both master and bachelor degrees in 1993. In 2001, the department began to offer PhD degrees. It makes this department the first academic institute that comprehensively includes under graduation, master and PhD programs in the field of ethnology in Taiwan.