本系原名銀行學系,於民國四十七年設立,為國內各大學中最早培育金融專業人才之系所,本系培育之人才,廣為社會重用。本系自八十五年起改名金融系,自八十四年八月開始,財務金融研究所碩士班併入本系,並於八十八學年增設博士班,以培養金融高級研究人才。 Originally called the Department of Banking and as the first department amongst universities in Taiwan to train financial professionals, the Department of Money and Banking was founded in 1958. Before the department was renamed the Department of Money and Banking in 1996, the master’s program of the Graduate Institute of Banking had been merged with the department in August 1995. In 1999, the department began to offer the doctoral program to encourage refined researchers in finance.
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