Introduction: 於民國47年成立的統計學系,其前身為會計統計學系。為因應市場對統計人才的需求,於民國55年獨立為統計學系,並隸屬於商學院;爾後在民國57年率先創設國內統計研究所碩士班;至民國77年更進一步成立統計研究所博士班,成為國內最早具有完整統計教育的學系。民國84年為配合教育部「系所合一」政策,乃將統計學系與統計研究所合而為一,並正名為統計學系(含學士班、碩士班與博士班)。 The Department of Statistics, formerly known as the Department of Accounting and Statistics, was one of the founding departments in NCCU in 1958. It was formally established in 1966, and is the first statistics department in Taiwan. In response to the needs of the statistical profession, the Master program was established in 1968, and the Ph.D. program in 1988. These two programs were pioneers in Taiwan, in that the department was the first to offer a complete program in Statistics in Taiwan.