資訊學院2021年8月成立,包括「資訊科學系」(含學士班、碩士班、博士班、碩士在職專班)、「數位內容學位學程」、「人工智慧應用學士學位學程」,以及「社群網路與人智計算國際研究生博士學位學程(TIGP)」,2023年8月正式成立「資訊安全碩士學位學程」,不僅提供資訊專業技術的完整課程架構,也將打造資訊跨域整合與應用的學習場域,讓人文社會學科同學,能培育出數位翅膀,結合自身的領域知識,建立數位創新專業優勢。 The College of Informatics at National Chengchi University (NCCU) is one of the leading institutions in Taiwan dedicated to providing high-quality education and research expertise in the fields of computer science and interdisciplinary information technologies. Established in 2021, the college offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including Bachelor's (since 1993), Master's (since 1999), In-Service Class Master’s (since 2004), and PhD (since 2006) degrees in Computer Science, Bachelor's (since 2011) and Master’s degree (since 2009) in Digital Content and Technologies, Master’s degree in Information Security (since 2023), Bachelor's degree (since 2023) in Artificial Intelligence Applications, as well as a PhD program (since 2012) in Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing under Taiwan International Graduate Programs jointly organized with Academia Sinica.
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