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    Showing items 101-150 of 279. (6 Page(s) Totally)
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    2011-08 Excitonic effects in the optical properties of a SiC sheet and nanotubes 郭光宇; Hsueh,H. C.; Guo, Guang-Yu; Louie, Steven G.
    2011-01 Exploring the interaction between the boron nitride nanotube and biological molecules 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai
    2012-04 Fabrication of three dimensional split ring resonators by stress-driven assembly method 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2012-03 Fast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Lung MR Imaging Using k-t BLAST: a Spatiotemporal Perspective 蔡尚岳; Hsu, Jia-Shuo; Tsai, Shang-Yuei; Wu, Ming-Ting; Chung, Hsiao-Wen; Lin, Yi-Ru
    2007-05 Fast Mapping of T2 Relaxation Time of Cerebral Metabolites using Proton Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging (PEPSI) Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Posse, Stefan; Lin, Yi-Ru; Ko, Cheng-Wen; Otazo, Ricardo; Chung, Hsiao-Wen; 蔡尚岳
    2007-05 Fast Mapping of T2 Relaxation Time of Cerebral Metabolites using Proton-Echo-Planar-Spectroscopic-Imaging (PEPSI) 蔡尚岳; Tsai, Shang-Yueh
    2014-12 Feasibility and Reproducibility of Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging on the Quantification of Hepatic Fat 蔡尚岳; Lin, Yi-Ru; Chiu, Jian-Jia; Tsai, Shang-Yueh
    2013-07 Ferromagnetic Interfacial Interaction and the Proximity Effect in a Co2FeAl/(Ga,Mn)As Bilayer 郭光宇; Nie, S. H.; Chin, Y. Y.; Liu, W. Q.; Tung, J. C.; Lu, J.; Lin, H. J.; Guo, G. Y.; Meng, K. K.; Chen, L.; Zhu, L. J.; Pan, D.; Chen, C. T.; Xu, Y. B.; Yan, W. S.; Zhao, J. H.
    2007-08 Finite-size scaling of pseudocritical point distributions in the random transverse-field Ising chain 林瑜琤; Lin, Yu-Cheng
    2008-08 Finite-size scaling of the entanglement entropy of the quantum Ising chain with homogeneous, periodically modulated and random couplings 林瑜琤; Lin, Yu-Cheng
    2011 Fire Ant-Detecting Canines: A Complementary Method in Detecting Red Imported Fire Ants 陳洋元; Hui-Min Lin; Wei-Lien Chi; Chung-Chi Lin; Yu-Ching Tseng,1 Wang-Ting Chen,1 Yu-Ling Kung,1 Yi-Yang Lien,5,6 and Yang-Yuan Chen
    2015-10 First constraints on the ultra-high energy neutrino flux from a prototype station of the Askaryan Radio Array 李傳睿; Li, C.-J.; Allison, P.; Auffenberg, J.; … et al
    2011-01 First-principle calculation on nearly half-metallic antiferromagnetic behavior of double perovskites La2VReO6 Chen, S.H.; Xiao, Zhi Ren; Liu, Y.P.; Lee, P.H.; Wang, Y.K.; 蕭智仁
    2010-12 Fractal Analysis of Stock Index and Electrocardiograph 蕭又新; Liaw,Sy-Sang; Chiu,Feng-Yuan; Wang,Cheng-Yen; Shiau,You-Hsien
    2011-07 Gapless band structure of PbPdO2: A combined first principles calculation and experimental study 郭光宇; Chen, S. W.; Huang, S. C.; Guo, G. Y.; Lee, . M.; Chiang, S.; Chen, W. C.; Liang, Y. C.; Lu, K. T.; Chen, J. M.
    2014-05 Gate-tunable Kondo resistivity and dephasing rate in graphene studied by numerical renormalization group calculations Lo, Po-Wei; Guo, Guang-Yu; Anders, Frithjof B.; 郭光宇
    2010-02 Generalized Statistical Mechanics and Scaling Behavior for Non-equilibrium Polymer Chains: I. Monomers Connected by Rigid Bonds 馬文忠; 胡進錕; Ma,Wen-Jong; Hu,Chin-Kun
    2014-08 Geometric and electronic properties of edge-decorated graphene nanoribbons Chang, S.-L.; Lin, S.-Y.; Lin, S.-K.; Lee, Chi Hsuan; Lin, M.-F.
    2011-03 Giant spin Hall effect of Au films with Pt impurities: Surface-assisted skew scattering 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2010-11 Graphane with defect or transition-metal impurity 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai
    2017 Griffiths singularities in the random quantum Ising antiferromagnet: A tree tensor network renormalization group study 林瑜琤; Lin, Yu-Ping; Kao, Ying-Jer; Chen, Pochung; Lin, Yu-Cheng
    2017-08 Griffiths singularities in the random quantum Ising antiferromagnet: A tree tensor network renormalization group study Lin, Yu-Ping; Kao, Ying-Jer; Chen, Pochung; 林瑜琤; Lin, Yu-Cheng
    2009-12 Half-metallic antiferromagnetic nature of La2VTcO6 and La2VCuO6 from ab initio calculations 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2011-10 High Chern number quantum anomalous Hall phases in single-layer graphene with Haldane orbital coupling 郭光宇; Chen, Tsung-Wei; Xiao, Zhi-Ren; Chiou, Dah-Wei; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2013-03 High spin polarization of the anomalous Hall current in Co-based Heusler compounds 郭光宇; Tung, Jen-Chuan ;
    2018-11 Hybrid multilane models for highway traffic 張太乙; Zhang, Taiyi; 林瑜琤
    2016-03 Identification of plant vacuolar transporters mediating phosphate storage 蔡尚岳; Liu, Tzu-Yin; Huang, Teng-Kuei; Yang, Shu-Yi; Hong, Yu-Ting; Huang, Sheng-Min; Wang, Fu-Nien
    2013-03 Inflow-weighted pulmonary perfusion: Comparison between dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI versus perfusion scintigraphy in complex pulmonary circulation 蔡尚岳; Lin,Yi-Ru; Tsai,Shang-Yueh; Huang,Teng-Yi; Chung,Hsiao-Wen; Huang,Yi-Luan; Wu,Fu-Zong; Lin, Chu-Chuan; Peng, Nan-Jing; Wu,Ming-Ting
    2014-02 Influence of in doping on the thermoelectric properties of an AgSbTe 2 compound with enhanced figure of merit Mohanraman, R.; Sankar, R.; Boopathi, K.M.; Chou, F.-C.; Chu, C.-W.; Lee, C.-H.; Chen, Yang-Yuan; 陳洋元
    2011-04 Influence of spin relaxation length on lateral double superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions 李尚凡; Lin,L. K.; Huang,S. Y.; Lin,J. K.; Huang,J. H.; Lee,S. F.
    2013-08 In-Plane Magnetization-Induced Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect 許琇娟; Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan; Liu, Chao-Xing
    2023-08 Interaction between peptides and an MoS2 monolayer containing a nanopore: First-principles calculations 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai; Huyen, Trinh Le; Lee, Chi-Hsuan; Cheng, Shun-Jen
    2011-10 Intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in nickel: A GGA + U study 郭光宇; Fuh, Huei-Ru; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2011-11 Intrinsic Spin-Dependent Thermal Transport 李尚凡; Huang,S. Y.; Wang,W. G.; S. F. Lee; Kwo,J.; Chien,C. L.
    2014-02 Inverse spin Hall effect induced by spin pumping into semiconducting ZnO Lee, Jung-Chuan; Huang, Leng-Wei; Hung, Dung-Shing; Chiang, Tung-Han; Huang, J. C. A.; Liang, Jun-Zhi; Lee, Shang-Fan; 李尚凡
    2011-01 Investigation of Cu0.5Ni0.5/Nb interface transparency by using current-perpendicular-to-plane measurement 李尚凡; Huang,S. Y.; Liang,J. J.; Hsu,S. Y.; Lin,L. K.; Tsai,T. C.; Lee,S. F.
    2013-02 Investigation of possible half-metallic antiferromagnets on double perovskites A2BB`O6 (A=Ca, Sr Ba; B,B`=TransitionMetal Elements) Chen, S.H.; Xiao, Zhi Ren; Liu, Y.P.; Wang, Y.K.
    2010-11 Investigation of possible half-metallic antiferromagnets on double perovskites LaAB B′ O6 (A=Ca,Sr,Ba; B, B′ =transition elements) Chen, S.H.; Xiao, Zhi Ren; Liu, Y.P.; Wang, Y.K.; 蕭智仁
    2012-06 Investigation of possible half-metal material on double perovskites Sr2BBO6 (B, B=3d transition metal) using first-principle calculations Liu, Y.P.; Chen, S.H.; Tung, J.C.; Wang, Y.K.
    2015-10 Investigation of Readout RF Pulse Impact on the Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Spectrum Huang, Sheng-Min; Jan, Meei-Ling; Liang, Hsin-Chin; Chang, Chia-Hao; Wu, Yi-Chun; Tsai, Shang-Yueh; Wang, Fu-Nien; 蔡尚岳
    2011-07 Low-energy band structures of armchair ribbon-graphene hybrid systems Lee, Chi-Hsuan; Chen, S.C.; Chen, R.B.; Lin, M.F.; 李啟玄
    2011-01 Low-energy electronic structures of nanotube–nanoribbon hybrid systems 楊志開; Lee,C.H.; Chen,S.C.; Yang,Chih-Kai; Su,W.S.; Lin,M.F.
    2012-03 Luminescence and density functional theory (DFT) calculation of undoped nitridosilicate phosphors for light-emitting diodes Xiao, Zhi-Ren; 蕭智仁
    2011-05 Magnetic anisotropy and spin-spiral wave in V, Cr and Mn atomic chains on Cu(0 0 1) surface: first principles calculations 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2011 Magnetic correlations in HoxTb2−xTi2O7 陳洋元; L. J. Chang; W. Schweika; Kao,Y. -J.; Chou,Y. Z.; J. Perßon; Chen,Y. Y.
    2011-10 Magnetic interaction in domain wall depinning at square notch and anti-notch traps 李尚凡; Chang, L.J.; Yao, Y.D.; Lin, P.; Lee, S.F.
    2008 Magnetic molecules made of nitrogen or boron-doped fullerenes 楊志開; Yang, Chih-Kai
    2010-03 Magnetic moment and magnetic anisotropy of linear and zigzag 4d and 5d transition metal nanowires: First-principles calculations / Physical Review B 郭光宇; Guo, Guang-Yu
    2010-01 Magnetic order in the double pyrochlore Tb2Ru2O7 陳洋元; Chang,L J; M Prager; J Per?on; J Walter; E Jansen; Chen,Y Y; J S Gardner
    2010-08 Magnetism in nanoparticles of semiconducting FeSi2 Hamdeh, H.H.; Eltabey, M.M.; Ho, J.C.; Lee, P.C.; Chen, K.; Chen, Yang-Yuan; 陳洋元

    Showing items 101-150 of 279. (6 Page(s) Totally)
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