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Title: | 台東縣太麻里鄉Tjavualji(大麻里)部落一位竹占師兼祭司之研究:Vuvu i Gaitjang(卓良光先生)的生命歷程 A study of the Bamboo Diviner and Shaman in Tjavualji Tribe, Taimali, Taitung : the life history of Vuvu Gaitjang (Mr. ZHUO Liang Kuang) |
Authors: | 余明旂 Yu, Ming-Chi |
Contributors: | 官大偉 胡台麗 Kuan, Da-wei Hu, Tai-Li 余明旂 Yu, Ming-Chi |
Keywords: | 東排灣群 男巫師 祭司 祭儀 竹占師 Eastern Paiwan Male Shaman Shaman Ritual Bamboo Diviner |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue Date: | 2017-06-01 09:54:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Tjavualji部落是位於台東縣太麻里鄉的排灣族部落,於Panapanayang發祥地的南方,Tjavualji部落除了是排灣族邊陲地帶,在地理位置上更是各個族群匯集混居的地區,在文化上更是多元的呈現,是排灣族與卑南族部分獨立及部分重疊的過渡型。Tjavualji部落並沒有排灣族部落象徵性的maljeveq祭儀,主要祭儀是masalut(小米收穫祭)及到Ruvuaqan發祥地祭祖。 本文要記錄的這位儀式專家Vuvu Gaitjang(卓良光先生)現年90歲,其生命歷程無異是一本東排灣族的活字典,更是不可多得的祭儀耆老,作者認為其生命史的重要性,在當地具有特殊意義,作者自2014年十月即陸陸續續的進行訪談紀錄,將這些紀錄整理為這篇論文。首先將說明這位男巫的家世與社會背景以及他由竹占師到祭司的成巫之路,從靈魂概念、空間和方位、崇拜與祭祀的概念一窺vuvu的整個宇宙觀;再由vuvu的實踐過程去分析Tjavualji部落儀式的分類與性質,並歸納出儀式執行過程中所依據的原則,最後從儀式實踐的觀察、禱詞結構的分析及儀式空間的脈絡,希望能為相關文化傳承內容,進行基礎的整理與保存;並整理出可以成為傳承Tjavualji部落祭儀的原則和原理的範本。 本研究發現太麻里地區在時代的變遷中,發生了多元文化的交融滲入,形成獨特的文化樣貌,是「文化多樣性」保存中十分重要的區塊;排灣族嚴明的階序,在大麻里部落已經漸漸鬆動瓦解;儀式中的性別分工秩序也被打破了;信仰系統、宇宙觀與儀式各種象徵意義不可分離,形成太麻里地區獨特的巫術文化, 也是珍貴的原住民文化遺產。論文亦對於研究方法的使用進行檢討。並對於儀式禱詞進行「文化復振」提供建議;最後提出未來可以繼續討論的議題方向。 Tjavualji is a Paiwan village which is south of Panapanayang, the place of tribal origin. Geographically, Tjavualji village is located in the peripheral area of Paiwan tribe, and also the area of ethnic heterogeneity. It represents the cultural diversity of both Paiwan and Pinuyumayan tribes. There is no maljeveq, a characteristic Paiwan ceremony, in Tjavualji. Its main ceremony is masalut (millet harvest ceremony) and to worship the ancestors in Ruvuaqan, the place of origin. This thesis documents the 90-year-old ritual expert, Vuvu Gaitjang (Mr. ZHUO Liang Kuang). His life history could be seen as a dictionary of Eastern Paiwan. The importance and significance of his life history is meaningful to the locale. This study is based on the interviews that I have conducted with him successively since October 2014. In this thesis, I first represent Vuvu Gaitjang’s family and social background and the process of becoming a male shaman from a bamboo diviner. We are able to understand his worldview by examining the concept of spirit, space, direction, and worshipping. I then illustrate Vuvu Gaitjang’s ritual practices, analyze the classification and properties of tribal rituals of the Tjavualji village, and summarize the principles of ritual practising. Last, I aim to investigate and document this culture in basis by observing the ritual practices, analyzing the structure of incantations, and contextualizing the ritual space, so that we may able to pass down the ritual knowledge of Tjavualji village. This study finds that in Taimali, in the changes of the times, the multicultural blend of infiltration, form a unique cultural appearance. Tamali is an important area for the preserve of the "cultural diversity". In Tjavualji, the strict social hierarchy of the Paiwan people had been collapsed and the order of the gender division in the ritual had been broken too. The inseparable relationship between the symbolic meaning and belief system of rituals and ritual objects made an unique witchcraft culture here in Tamali. This thesis not only reflects on research methods, but also proposes suggestions for cultural revival of the ritual incantation, as well as for the further discussion. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 民族學系 103259001 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103259001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [民族學系] 學位論文
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