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Title: | 原住民國中生民主價值觀之研究-家庭及學校社會化之觀察視角 Democratic values of aboriginal junior high school students: family and school as agents of political socialization |
Authors: | 鍾勤昌 Chung, Chin Chang |
Contributors: | 陳義彥 Chen, Yi Yan 鍾勤昌 Chung, Chin Chang |
Keywords: | 臺灣原住民 政治知識 政治態度 民主價值觀 Taiwanese aborigine Political knowledge Political attitude Value of democracy view |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:53:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文主要的研究旨趣,在於嘗試從原住民國中生的個人特徵、家庭背景及學校教育機制角度,探討其與政治知識及民主價值觀的關聯性。並藉以瞭解不同背景因素的政治文化差異,是否影響原住民國中生的政治社會化行為。 本研究是以臺灣地區年齡十二至十四歲之原住民國中學生為研究對象,採非隨機抽樣方式。選定新北市烏來國民中小學等七所原住民地區的學校,安排450位學生進行施測。並依問卷分析及檢視結果,對屏東縣瑪家國中學生及教師作進一步的訪談。 本研究問卷採封閉型式,共分成「個人基本資料」、「家庭背景」、「學校教育機制」、「政治知識」及「民主價值觀」等五大部份。分別採用描述性統計分析、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關係數分析及迴歸分析等統計方法處理。 本研究共有以下幾點發現: 一、教室民主氣氛有助於原住民國中學生政治知識的提升。 二、教室氣氛愈民主、同儕團體討論愈熱烈,對原住民國中學生民主價值觀愈有正面的影響。 三、原住民國中學生的政治知識與其正相關民主價值觀有顯著。 The main essential of the research is trying to inquire the correlation of the political knowledge and the democracy value of the aboriginal junior high students, characters based on family background and school formation. The research tries to realize whether the different political cultures based on different background effect the political socialization of the aboriginal junior high students in Taiwan. This research object is with the 12 to 14 year- old junior high school students in aboriginal district in Taiwan for research, not random samples. The research chooses 450 students , who are in Wulai in New Taipei and other six junior high school students in aboriginal district for testing. It looks for the result by the questionnaire analysis. And it makes a further interview to Majia junior high school students and teachers in Pingtung County. The questionnaire research is in closed type. It includes five parts such as personal information, family background, school education formation, political knowledge, and the democracy value, etc. And the research adopts the statistical methods such as descriptive, reliability, t tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. This research has the following findings: 1. The democracy atmosphere of the classroom contributes to the promoting of the political knowledge of the aboriginal junior high school students. 2. The more democratic atmosphere the classroom and the more discussion the students has all contribute to the positive influence to the aboriginal junior high school students. 3. The political knowledge of the aboriginal junior high school students are positively related to their value of democracy. |
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