Items for Author "Chien, Shih-yi"
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[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
A Review on Shaping Chatbot Personalities via Large Language Models
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
A Systematic Review of Integrating Mixed Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Museums: Enhancing Visitor Experiences and Innovating Exhibit Design
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Comparative Study of XAI Perception between Eastern and Western Cultures
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Wang, Yi-Fan ; Cheng, Kuang-Ting ; Chen, Yu-Che
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Combating Online Malicious Behavior: Integrating Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Harmful News and Toxic Comments
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lin, Szu-Yin ; Chen, Yi-Zhen ; Chien, Yu-Hang
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Citizens’ trust in AI-enabled government systems
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Wang, Yi-Fan ; Chen, Yu-Che ; Wang, Pin-Jen
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Preliminary Validation of Explainable AI Interfaces across Heuristics and Information Transparency
宋吟軒 ; 簡士鎰 ; Sung, Yin-Hsuan ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Yu, Fang
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Psychosocial Determinants of Dementia Progression: Insights from Advanced Data Analytics using the Taiwan Longitudinal Study in Aging
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chow, Hiu Lam ; Hsu, Chan
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
An Exploration of Multimodal Communication for Developing Extrovert, Ambivert, and Introvert Robot
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-yi ; Lu, Wen-I ; Chan, Yao-cheng
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Human-Robot Interaction in E-Commerce: The Role of Personality Traits and Chatbot Mechanisms - A Neuromarketing Research
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chang, Yu-Wen ; Chan, Yao-Cheng ; Tsao, Ching-Chih
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
The effects of intimacy and proactivity on trust in human-humanoid robot interaction
林怡伶 ; 簡士鎰 ; Lin, Yi-Ling ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chang, Bu-Fang
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
The Impacts of Social Humanoid Robot’s Nonverbal Communication on Perceived Personality Traits
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chen, Chih-Ling ; Chan, Yao-Cheng
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
An overview of XAI Algorithms
陳彥維 ; 簡士鎰 ; Chen, Yen-Wei ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Yu, Fang
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Immersive Educational Technology for Waste Management Learning: A Study of Waste Detection and Feedback Delivery in Augmented Reality
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Sun, Qiming ; Hsiao, I-Han
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Interactive Robot-Aided Diagnosis System for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lin, Szu-Yin ; Lai, Yi-Pei ; Chiang, Hao-Chun ; Cheng, Yawei
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Social Robots for Older Adults in Medical Contexts
簡士鎰 ; 呂玟逸 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lu, Wen-I ; Chen, Yu-Wei ; Shen, Chin-Chen ; Tsai, Ping-Hsuan ; Chu, Yun-Tung ; Hung, Yu-Heng ; Lee, Joyce ; Chao, Shiau-Fang
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Theory of Planned Behavior Modeled Educational Technology for Waste Management Learning
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Sun, Qiming ; Hsiao, I-Han
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Citizens’ intention to follow recommendations from a government-supported AI-enabled system
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Wang, Yi-Fan ; Chen, Yu-Che
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Immersive Educational Recycling Assistant (ERA): Learning Waste Sorting in Augmented Reality
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Sun, Qiming ; Hsiao, I-Han
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Coding peekaboom: a gaming mechanism for harvesting programming concepts
簡士鎰 ; 林怡伶 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lin, Yi-Ling ; Su, Wei-Cheng ; Hsiao, Sharon Ihan
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
The Influence of a Robot Recommender System on Impulse Buying Tendency
簡士鎰 ; 宋吟軒 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Tsao, Ching-Chih ; Tang, Cheng-Yi ; Chang, Yu-Wen ; Sung, Yin-Hsuan ; Lin, Szu-Yin
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Assessing the Decision-Making Process in Human-Robot Collaboration Using a Lego-like EEG Headset
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Tsao, Ching-Chih ; Chuang, Hao-Hsiang ; Tsao, Tzu-Han ; Tang, Cheng-Yi ; Chang, Yu-Wen ; Chu, Chih-Ling ; Sung, Chi-Chien ; Hsieh, Cheng-Lin ; Lin, Yuan-Pin
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Fake reviews detection with hybrid features using time-sequential deep learning model
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Weng, Yu-Liang ; Lin, Szu-Yin
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
The Influence of Personality Traits in Human-Humanoid Robot Interaction
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chen, Chih-Ling ; Chan, Yao-Cheng
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Understanding Predictive Factors of Dementia for Older Adults: A Machine Learning Approach for Modeling the Dementia Influencers
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chao, Shiau-Fang ; Kang, Yihuang ; Hsu, Chan ; Yu, Meng-Hsuan ; Ku, Chan-Tung
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
XFlag: Explainable Fake News Detection Model on Social Media
簡士鎰 ; 郁方 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Yu, Fang ; Yang, Cheng-Jun
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
The Effect of Communication Approaches on Intimacy in Human-Humanoid Robot Interaction
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chang, Bu-Fang ; Lin, Yi-Ling
[傳播學院] 會議論文
陳宜秀 ; Chen, Yi Hsiu ; Han, Shu-Jung ; Lee, Yao-Chih ; Chien, Shih-Yi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Cultural Differences in the Allocation of Attention to Information Architecture Components
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Jeng, Wei ; Hu, Hsin-Yuan ; Tang, Gao-Ming
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Privacy Issues in Contact Tracing Applications
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Posting recommendations in healthcare Q&A Forums
林怡伶 ; 簡士鎰 ; Lin, Yi-Ling ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Chen, Yi-Ju
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Enhancing Computational Thinking Capability of Preschool Children by Game-based Tangible User Interface
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lin, Szu-Yin ; Hsiao, Chia-Lin ; Hsia, Chih-Hsien ; Chao, Kuo-Ming
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Exploring the role of media richness to information disclosure
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Luo, Jing-Ting ; Lin, Yi-Ling
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Exploring the role of media richness to information disclosure
林怡伶 ; Lin, Yi-Ling ; Luo, Jing-Ting ; Chien, Shih-Yi
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Preschool Safety Education with Digital Media-based Learning Application– Kinder
簡士鎰 ; 林怡伶 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lin, Yi-Ling ; Sun, Cheng-Feng ; Chan, Yao-Cheng ; Hsiao, I-Han
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
A Cross-cultural Study on Information Architecture: Culture Differences on Attention Allocation to Web Components
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Tang, Gao-Ming ; Hu, Hsin-Yuan ; Jeng, Wei
[資訊科學系] 期刊論文
Influence of Culture, Transparency,Trust, and Degree of Automation on Automation Use
劉吉軒 ; Liu, Jyi-Shane ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia ; Kumru, siye
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Influence of Culture, Transparency, Trust, and Degree of Automation on Automation Use
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia ; Kumru, Asiye ; Liu, Jyi-Shane
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
The Effect of Culture on Trust in Automation: Reliability and Workload
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Development of Trust Measure in Biometric Technology
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Zhaleh, Semnani-Azad ; Forster, Yannick ; Schuckers, Stephanie ; Gan, Houchao
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
The Effect of Culture on Trust in Automation: Reliability and Workload
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia ; Liu, Jyi-Shane ; Ku, Asiye ; 劉吉軒
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states
林怡伶 ; 簡士鎰 ; Lin, Yi-Ling ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lee, Pei-Ju ; Han, Shuguang ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
Allocation of Attention for Supervisory Control in Multirobot Teams: A HMM-based analysis
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lin, Yi-Ling ; Lee, Pei-Ju ; Han, Shuguang ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Interaction Quality of Human-Robot Collaboration– A Case Study of Da Vinci Surgical System
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lin, Po-Hung
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
The Effect of Applying Visual Programming Language for Developing Robotic Systems
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Hsiao, Sharon ; Kang, Yihuang
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Impact of Cultural Factors in Trusting Biometric Technology
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Zhaleh, Semnani-Azad ; Schuckers, Stephanie
[資訊科學系] 會議論文
Influence of cultural factors in dynamic trust in automation
Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia ; Liu, Jyi-Shane ; Kumru, Asiye ; 劉吉軒
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Relation between Trust Attitudes Toward Automation, Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, and Big Five Personality Traits
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia ; Liu, Jyi-Shane ; Kumru, Asiye
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Bounds of Neglect Benevolence in Input Timing for Human Interaction with Robotic Swarms
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Nagavalli, Sasanka ; Lewis, Michael ; Chakraborty, Nilanjan ; Sycara, Katia
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Cross-Country Validation of a Cultural Scale in Measuring Trust in Automation
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis, Michael ; Hergeth, Sebastian ; Zhaleh, Semnani-Azad ; Sycara, Katia
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Task Switching and Cognitively Compatible guidance for Control of Multiple Robots
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis*, Michael ; Mehrotra, Siddarth ; Chakraborty, Nilanjan ; Sycara, Katia
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
Towards the development of an Inter-Cultural Scale to Measure Trust in Automation
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Zhaleh, Semnani-Azad ; Lewis, Michael ; Sycara, Katia
[資訊管理學系] 會議論文
An Empirical Model of Cultural Factors on Trust in Automation
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Lewis, Michael ; Zhaleh, Semnani-Azad ; Sycara, Katia
[資訊管理學系] 期刊論文
An initial evaluation of approaches to building entry for large robot teams
簡士鎰 ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Scerri, Paul ; Ma, Zheng ; Chien, Shih-Yi ; Wang, Huadong ; Lee, Pei-Ju ; Michael Lewis ; Sycara, Katia