[金融學系] 期刊論文
What drives jumps in the secured Overnight Financing Rate? Evidence from the arbitrage-free Nelson–Siegel model with jump diffusion
林士貴 ; 方東杰 ; Fang, Dong-Jie ; Yeh, Zong-Wei ; He, Jie-Cao ; Lin, Shih-Kuei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Delta Hedging in the USD/JPY Options Market: Insights from Implied Stochastic Volatility
林士貴 ; 羅秉政 ; 林崇仁 ; 葉宗瑋 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Vincent, Kendro ; Lin, Chung-Jen ; Yeh, Zong-Wei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Intelligent portfolio construction via news sentiment analysis
匡顯吉 ; 林士貴 ; Kuang, Xian-Ji ; Hung, Ming-Chin ; Hsia, Ping-Hung ; Lin, Shih-Kuei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Valuation of callable range accrual linked to CMS Spread under generalized swap market model
林士貴 ; 何杰操 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; He, Jie-Cao ; Hsieh, Chang-Chieh ; Huang, Zi-Wei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Upside and downside correlated jump risk premia of currency options and expected returns
何杰操 ; 張興華 ; 林士貴 ; He, Jie-Cao ; Chang, Hsing-Hua ; Chen, Ting-Fu ; Lin, Shih-Kuei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Does variance risk premium predict expected returns?
張興華 ; 匡顯吉 ; 林士貴 ; Chang, Alan ; Kuang, Xian-Ji ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Hsu, Yueh-Hua
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Theoretical and empirical analysis of options in open market share repurchases of Taiwan companies
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Tsai, Pei-Ling ; Hsu, Yuan-Lin ; Chih, Hsiang-Hsuan
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Valuation and Risk Management of Weather Derivatives: The Application of CME Rainfall Index Binary Contracts
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 莊明哲 ; 方東杰 ; Fang, Dong-Jie
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Valuation of callable accreting interest rate swaps: Least squares Monte-Carlo method under Hull-White interest rate model
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
分析師樣本公司之因子模型: 台灣市場實證分析
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-kuei ; 阮彥勳 ; 林朝陽 ; Juan, Yen-hsun ; Lin, Chao-yang
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Risk Management of Deposit Insurance Corporations with Risk-Based Premiums and Credit Default Swaps
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Wu, Yang-Che ; Chen, Ting-Fu
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Valuation and Empirical Analysis of Currency Options
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chuang, Ming-Che ; Wen, Chin-Hsiang
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Option pricing under stock market cycles with jump risks: evidence from the S
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Wang, Shin-Yun Wang ; Chuang, Ming-Che ; Shyu , So-De
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Excess volatility and market efficiency in government bond markets: the ASEAN-5 context
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Liao , Szu-Lang ; Wong, Shao-Jye ; Tang, Kin-Boon
[金融學系] 期刊論文
跳躍風險相關之匯率選擇權: 傅立葉轉換評價法
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-kuei ; 莊明哲 ; 温晉祥 ; Chuang, Ming-che ; Wen, Chin-hsiang
[金融學系] 期刊論文
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 吳宥璇 ; 張瑞珍
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing the Deflation Protection Option in TIPS using a HJM Model with Inflation- and Interest-Rate Jumps
Chuang, Ming-Che ; 林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 江彌修 ; Chiang, Mi-Hsiu
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing mortgage insurance contracts under housing price cycles with jump risk: evidence from the U.K. housing market
林士貴 ; Chuang, Ming-Che ; Yang, Wan-Ru ; Chen, Ming-Chi ; Lin, Shih-Kuei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing the Deflation Protection Option in TIPS Using an HJM Model with Inflation- and Interest-Rate Jumps
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chuang, Ming-Che ; Chiang, Mi-Hsiu
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing Range Accrual Interest Rate Swap employing LIBOR market models with jump risks
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Wang, Shin-Yun ; Chen, Carl R. ; Xu, Lian-Wen
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Fair valuation of mortgage insurance under stochastic default and interest rates
林士貴 ; Wu, Yang-Che ; Huang, Yi-Ting ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chuang, Ming-Che
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Causality Effect of Returns, Continuous Volatility and Jumps: Evidence from the U.S. and European Index Futures Markets
廖四郎 ; Liao, Szu-Lang ; 林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 廖志偉 ; Liao, Chih-Wei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Realized Jump Risks in the U.S. TB and TIPS Markets
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chuang, Ming-Che ; Shyu, So-De ; Wu, An-Chi
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Analysis of Risk Management Strategies for Contingent Convertible Bonds=或有可轉債之風險管理策略分析
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chen, Ting-Fu ; Lin, Chien-Tsang
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Analysis of the Risk Management Strategies for Contingent Convertible Bonds
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 陳亭甫 ; Chen, Ting-Fu ; 林建璋 ; Lin, Chien-Tsang
[金融學系] 期刊論文
The Extension from Independence to Dependence between Jump Frequency and Jump Size in Markov-modulated Jump Diffusion Models
林士貴 ; 彭金隆 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Peng, Jin-Lung ; Chao, Wei-Hsiung ; Wu, An-Chi
[金融學系] 期刊論文
The Affine Styled-Facts Price Dynamics for the Natural Gas: Evidence from Daily Returns and Option Prices
林士貴 ; Hsu, Chih-Chen ; Chen, An-Sing ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chen, Ting-Fu
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Empirical analysis of stock indices under a regime-switching model with dependent jump size risks
林士貴 ; Hsu, Yuan-Lin ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Hung, Ming-Chin ; Huang, Tzu Hui
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing derivatives with modeling CO2 emission allowance using a regime-switching jump diffusion model: with regime-switching risk premium
Li, Chang-Yi ; Chen, Son-Nan ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing gold options under Markov-modulated jump-diffusion processes
林士貴 ; 連育民 ; 廖四郎 ; Lin,Shih-Kuei ; Lian,Yu-Min ; Liao,Szu-Lang
[金融學系] 期刊論文
A Recursive Formula for a Participating Contract Embedding a Surrender Option under a Regime-switching Model with Jump Risk: Evidence From The S&P 500 Stock Index
Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Lin, Chien-Hsiu ; Chuang, Ming-Che ; Chou, Chia-Yu ; 林士貴 ; 林建秀
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Foreign Exchange Option Pricing in the Currency Cycle with Jump Risks
Lin, Chien-Hsiu ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Wu, An-Chi ; 林建秀 ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing and Hedging European Energy Derivatives: A Case Study of WTI Oil Options
林士貴 ; Hsu,Chih-Chen ; Lin,Shih-Kuei ; Chen,Ting-Fu
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing and Hedging European Energy Derivatives:A Case Study of WTI Crude Oil Options
林士貴 ; Hsu*, Chih-Chen; ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chen, Ting-Fu
[金融學系] 期刊論文
A Tale of Two Regimes: Theory and Empirical Evidence for a Markov-Modulated Jump Diffusion Model of Equity Returns and Derivative Pricing Implications
Chang, Charles ; Fuh, Cheng-Der ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
A Tale of Two Regimes: Theory and Empirical Evidence for a Markov-Modulated Jump Diffusion Model of Equity Returns and Derivative Pricing Implications
林士貴 ; Lin,Shih-Kuei ; Chang,Charles ; Fuh,Cheng-Der
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Empirical Analysis and Option Pricing under Regime Switching Model with Dependent Jump Size Risks
林士貴 ; 劉惠美 ; 陳亭甫 ; 林琮偉 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Liu, Hui-Mei ; Chen, Tingfu ; Lin, Tsung-Wei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
林士貴 ; 劉惠美 ; 陳亭甫 ; 林琮偉 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Liu, Hui-Mei ; Chen, Ting-Fu ; Lin, Tsung-Wei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
蔡佩玲 ; 林士貴. ; 池祥萱 ; Tsai, Pei-Ling ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chih, Hsiang-Hsuan
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Valuation of Open Market Repurchases with Interval Prices: An Application of the Exchange Option
林士貴 ; Tsai, P. L. ; Lin, S. K. ; Chih, H. H.
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Valuation of Catastrophe Equity Puts with Markov-Modulated Poisson Processes
Chang, C. C. ; Lin, S. K. ; Yu, M. T. ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
An Efficient Valuation and Hedging of Constant Maturity Swap Products under BGM Model
廖四郎 ; Liao, Szu-Lang ; Tsai, Hung-Pin ; Lin, Shih-Kuei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Estimation of Housing Price Jump Risks and Impact on the Valuation of Mortgage Insurance Contacts
Chen, Ming-Chi ; Chang, Chia-Chien ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Shyu, D. ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
The Pricing and Hedging of Structured notes with Systematic Jump Risk: An Analysis of the USD Knock-Out Reversed Swap
Wang, S. Y. ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
吳仰哲 ; 廖四郎 ; 林士貴 ; Wu, Yang-Che ; Liao, Szu-Lang ; Lin, Shih-Kuei
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Credit Risks with Lévy Processes under a Stochastic Interest Rate: A Structural Form Model
林士貴 ; 廖四郎 ; 林德政 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Liao, Szu-Lang ; Lin, Te-Cheng
[金融學系] 期刊論文
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 吳仰哲 ; Lin, S. K. ; Wu, Yang-Che ; 廖四郎 ; Liao, Szu-Lang
[金融學系] 期刊論文
The Valuation of Contingent Capital with Catastrophe Risks
Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Chang, C. C. ; Powers, M. R. ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing Risky Securities in Hidden Markov-Modulated Poisson Processes
Hung, Y. C. ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Wu, C. W. ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
An Importance Sampling Method to Evaluate Value-at-Risk for Assets with Jump Risks
Wang, R. H. ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Fuh, C. D. ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Application of Hidden Markov Switching Moving Average Model in Stock Markets: Theory and Empirical Evidence
Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Wang, S. Y. ; Tsai, P. L. ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
A recursive formula for a participating contract embedding a surrender option under regime-switching model with jump risks: Evidence from stock indices
林士貴 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Lin, Chien-Hsiu ; Chuang, Ming-Che ; Chou, Chia-Yu
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Pricing Catastrophe Insurance Products in Markov Jump Diffusion Models
林士貴 ; 徐守德 ; 張嘉倩 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Shyu, David ; Chang, Chia-Chien
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Risk Management for Linear and Non-Linear Assets: A Bootstrap Method with Importance Resampling to Evaluate Value-at-Risk
Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Wang, R. H. ; Fuh, C. D. ; 林士貴
[金融學系] 期刊論文
A Bootstrap Method with Importance Resampling to Evaluate Value-at-Risk
林士貴 ; 傅承德 ; 柯子介 ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; Fuh, Cheng-Der ; Ko, Tze-Jieh
[金融學系] 期刊論文
Empirical Performance and Asset Pricing in Hidden Markov Model
Fuh, Cheng-Der ; Hu, Inchi ; Lin, Shih-Kuei ; 林士貴