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    Title: 策略行銷4C分析代理商建構成功關鍵因素─以Y公司代理醫療設備為例
    Strategic Marketing Analysis for Successful Factor for Distributor-A Case Study of Company Y Distributes Medical Equipment.
    Authors: 潘振榮
    Pan, Cheng Jung
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Ciou, Jhih Sheng
    Pan, Cheng Jung
    Keywords: 策略行銷
    4C Strategic Marketing Analysis
    Transaction Cost Theory
    Medical Equipment
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-20 17:19:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 代理或經銷方式的「間接銷售」(indirect selling)通路模式在業界非常普及,然而,過去與通路相關的研究多著重在品牌商管理零售商所產生的各項管理議題,鮮少針對品牌商與代理商間的關係進行深入討論。
    本研究選擇台灣一家成功的醫療器材代理商做為個案研究對象,透過與個案公司的深度訪談,文獻探討與理論分析工具,分別從外顯單位效益成本 (C1)、資訊搜尋成本(C2)、道德危機成本(C3) 以及專屬陷入成本(C4)探究代理商如何在原廠與顧客的縫隙間求生存,解決個案公司在醫療器材產業之長期交換問題,甚至能夠反客為主,進而成為卓越企業之關鍵因素。本論文期望研究結果能給予國內代理商在投入資源時所應具備策略思維之參考,提供他們處在品牌商與下游顧客中間所要有的思辨邏輯,進而成為價值鏈中無法取代的一員。
    It is common in the industry to use indirect selling method. But literatures related to intermediaries in the past mostly focus on issues that come with the manufacturer managing retailers or target a single type of intermediary for deep research. It is rare to see the literature that has paid attention to investigate the relationship between manufacturer and its distributor.
    The distributor gets caught in the middle between the manufacturer and the reseller, and it often faces dilemma. The manufacture may stop dealing with the distributor due to poor selling performance of the distributor. On the other hand, when the distributor helps the manufacturer to distribute the products in markets successfully, the manufacturer often views the distributor as a temporary entering market strategy, and may choose to open their own selling branch. This is becoming a crucial threat for the distributor t. How distributors strength their performance in order to build their own competitive advantage?
    This research will review literature and analyze the data collected through interviews to identify key successful factors of the distributor. The “4C Strategic Marketing Analysis Model” will be applied as well. This study would contribute to the understanding of how the agent to get sustainable competitive advantage.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103932047
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