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Title: | 實質匯率,外人直接投資與中國對外貿易關係之研究 |
Authors: | 邱如伶 |
Contributors: | 陳坤銘 饒秀華 邱如伶 |
Keywords: | 實質匯率 外人直接投資 中國 對外貿易 |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 14:53:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中國經濟的崛起,改寫了世界貿易的版圖。但近年來中國的貿易收支失衡問題,特別是中國對於美國的持續大幅貿易順差以及對日本的持續大幅貿易逆差,一方面導致美國對中國匯率政策的強烈批評,另一方面也開始引起學者對於中國能否透過人民幣匯率的調整解決其貿易收支問題的研究興趣。惟最近一些實證研究發現,由於全球生產網路之發展,導致實質匯率與中國對外貿易之關係中出現一些傳統貿易理論難以解釋之現象,對於中國能否透過匯率政策之調整以解決其貿易收支問題也仍未有一致的結論。
本論文之目的在於研究中國近年來對外貿易之主要決定因素,尤其是深入探討實質匯率以及外人直接投資在中國對外貿易發展中所扮演的角色。由於美國以及日本為中國最主要的貿易夥伴,本論文的研究內容聚焦於中美與中日貿易決定因素之比較研究。本論文之主要創新在於實證模型之建構。本論文的實證模型與過去文獻的主要差異有數點:1. 本論文建立聯立方程體系以分析出口供需之相互影響。2. 在供給面本論文考慮了外人直接投資以及進口中間財對中國出口供給或其進口產業之國內生產的可能影響。3. 在進出口需求函數中,除了雙邊實質匯率,本論文也考慮了第三國匯率以及外人直接投資可能產生的間接影響。4. 在中國進口需求函數中本論文將實質所得拆解成國內需求與加工出口兩部分,以比較中國國內需求與加工出口在進口傾向上的差異。
至於實質所得對進口的影響方面,本論文實證結果顯示,中國的國內需求提升雖然會誘使來自美國或日本的進口增加,但是相對幅度有限,而因中國的加工出口所引發的進口增加卻十分顯著。此外,美國實質所得提高而誘發美國自中國進口的彈性相當可觀,日本實質所得提高而誘發日本自中國進口的彈性則相對有限,而中國國內需求提升對自美進口的效果更是微不足道。此結果顯示,中國與其主要貿易夥伴在消費者偏好上的差異,也對中國對外貿易收支失衡有一定的影響力。 The emergence of China’s economy has changed territorial boundaries on the global trade map. China’s recent external trade imbalance, especially its huge and persistent trade surplus with the U.S. and its deficits towards Japan, has provoked serious critique from the U.S. on China’s exchange rate policy and at the same time has attracted research interest in the issue: Can a Renminbi (RMB) revaluation improve China’s problem over its trade imbalance? Because of the development of the global production network in recent years, some studies have found some puzzles in the relation between the RMB’s real exchange rate and China’s foreign trade, which are inexplicable from the viewpoint of traditional trade theory. There is no consensus on the effectiveness of a RMB revaluation in adjusting China’s trade imbalance either.
The objective of this thesis is to study the determinants of China’s external trade, particularly the roles played by the real exchange rate of the RMB and foreign direct investment (FDI) into China. Because U.S. and Japan are two major trade partners of China, this dissertation focuses on comparing the determinants of Sino-U.S. trade and Sino-Japan trade. The main contribution of this dissertation is its construction of novel empirical models, which differ from most previous studies in the following aspects: 1. We construct a system of equations to examine the demand-supply relationship; 2. On the supply side, the effects of FDI and intermediate imports on China’s export are considered; 3. On the demand side, in additional to bilateral real exchange rates, the indirect effects of a third-country’s exchange rates and FDI on China’s exports and imports are also incorporated into the models; 4. In China’s import demand function, we decompose real income into domestic demand and export demand, with a view to comparing the effects of China’s domestic demand and export processing due to their differences in import propensities.
This thesis’ empirical results indicate that the real appreciation of the RMB against the US dollar can reduce China’s exports to the U.S., however, the decrease in exports causes a larger decline in China’s imports of intermediate goods from the U.S. for export processing purposes. Hence, the real appreciation of the RMB seems ineffective in improving China-U.S. trade balance. Moreover, the real depreciation of the RMB against the Yen has similar counterbalancing effects: it stimulates China’s exports to Japan and at the same time increases China’s intermediate goods and capital goods imports from there. As a result, China’s trade deficits might not be improved significantly from the real depreciation of its currency. The empirical evidence of this thesis reveals that changes in third-country’s exchange rates can also bring about indirect effects on China’s trade imbalance either through their impact on the import costs of intermediate goods from those countries or their substitutive or complementary relationships in the final good markets in the U.S. and Japan. Therefore, China seems unable to adjust its trade imbalance unilaterally through an exchange rate policy.
As for the impact of FDI into China, we show that Japanese FDI towards China stimulates China’s exports to Japan, but also raises its import demand from Japan, because of the processing production of Japanese enterprises in China. As a result, Japan’s FDI makes the Sino-Japan trade imbalance even worse. On the contrary, FDI from the U.S. into China does not stimulate American exports to China, but does increase China’s imports from the U.S., which can improve Sino-U.S. trade balance. Third-country FDI into China significantly enhances China’s exports to the U.S. on the one hand, while its products become substitutes for U.S. exports into China’s market on the other. Hence, it is another driving force for the aggravation of Sino-U.S. trade surplus. In a nutshell, FDI has played a very important role in China’s trade imbalance problem.
Finally, empirical results from the effects of real income on import demand indicate that China’s import demand stimulated by its export processing activity is very significant. In addition, while the relationship between China’s domestic demand and its imports from the U.S. or Japan is positive, the magnitude is rather limited. In contrast, the income elasticity of U.S. import demand from China is very high, but the income elasticity of Japan’s import demand from China is relatively small. To sum up, China’s trade imbalance problem seems attributable to the differences in preference among consumers in China and its major trade partners to some extent. |
Reference: | 中國投資指南,中國商務部外資司網站,http://www.fdi.gov.cn/ 。
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 92351504 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923515041 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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