簡介:本學系創設於民國十七年南京中央政治學校時期,初名法政學系,下分法律學及行政學兩組。民國三十五年,本校改為國立政治大學,本學系改名為政治學系。民國四十三年,本校在台復校時,先行恢復碩士班,時名為行政研究所;民國四十四年恢復大學部,同年行政研究所改名為政治研究所,翌年成立博士班。 The Department of Political Science of National Chengchi University is one of the leading political science institutions in Taiwan. The Department of Political science was originally established within the School of Central Politics in Nanking, Mainland China, in 1928. The school was, then, renamed “National Chengchi University” in 1946. After a brief hiatus as a result of the civil war between the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party, the university reopened in Taipei, Taiwan in 1954, as did the Department. Once the master’s and undergraduate programs were restored, in 1956 the Department established the first-ever doctoral program for political science in either Taiwan or the Mainland.