參考文獻: | 參考書目
1 Arnold, S. F. 1981 " The Theorey of Linear Models and Multivarviate Analysis " John Wiley & Sons. New York.
2. Graybill, F. A. 1976 " Theorey and Applications of the Linear Model " Duxbury Press North Scitnate, Massachusetts.
3. ─── 1983 "Matrices with Applications in Statistics" Wadsworth Publishing Company 2nd.
4. ─── 1961 " An Introduction to Linear Statistical Models " Vol. 1. MCGRAW-HILL, NEW YORK.
5. Harville, D. 1976 " Extension of the Gauss-Markov Theorem to Include the estimation of random effect." The Annals of Statistics. p. 384-395.
6. Henderson, C. R. 1963 " Selection Index and Expected Genetic Advance " Statistical Genetics and Plant Breeding. p. 141-163.
7. Hocking R. R. 1985 " The Analysis of Linear Models "巨擎。
8. Issaacon, E. and Keller, H. B. 1966 " Analysis of Numerical Methods " John Wiley & sons. NEW YORK.
9. Lindely, D. V.& Smith, A. F. M. 1972" Bayes Estimates for the Linear Model " J. Roy. Statist. soc. B34 p. 1-18.
10. Neter, J. Wasserman, W., and Kutner, M. H. 1983, Applied Linear Regression Model, Homewood, I11.: Richard D. Irwin.
11. Searle, S. R. 1971 " Linear Models " John Wiely & Sons. New York.
12. ─── 1982 " Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics" 巨擎。
13. Seber G. A. F. 1977 " Linear Regression analysis" Wiely, New York.
14. Stewart G. W. 1973 " Introduction to Matrix Computations" Academic Press New York. |