Reference: | 一、涂爾幹著作英譯本
Emi Ie Durkheim
Suicide: A Study in Sociology, trans. by John A.
Spaulding and George Simpson. introduction by
George Simpson, New York: Free Press, 1951.
Education and Sociology, trans. by S. D. Fox
, Glencoe, III ionis : The Free Press, 1956.
Prof ess ional Ethics and Ci vic Mo rals, trans . by C.
Brookfield, London: Routledge and Keegan Paul,
Socialism and Saint-Simon (subsequently entitled
Socialism) , trans. by Charlotte Sattler; introduction
by Alvin W. Gouldner, Yellow Spring•
Ant i oh Press; London: Rout 1 edge and Kegan Pau 1 ,
Montesquieu and Rousseau, trans. by Ralph Manheim
, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960.
The Elementary Forms of the ReI igious Life : a
Study in Religious Sociology, trans. by Joseph
Ward Swain, London: Allen and Unwin; New York:
Macmillan, 1965.
Sociology and Philosophy, trans. by D. F. Pocock
, London : Cohen and West, 1965 .
Seleted Writings, ed. by Anthony Giddens,
Cambr i dge : Cambr i dge Un i vers i ty Press, 1972.
Moral Education: A Study in the Theory and Application
of the Sociology of Education, trans. By
E. K. Wi Ison and H. Schnurer, New York: Free
Press, 1973.
Emile Durkheim on Institutional Analysis, ed. by
Mark Traugot t, Ch i cago : Un i vers i ty of Ch i cago
Press, 1978.
Durkheim: Essays on Morals and Education, ed. by
W. S. F. Pickering, trans. by H. L. Sutdiffe,
London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979.
The Rules of Sociological Meth od, tr ans . by Sarah
A. Solovay and John H. Mue l ler; in tr oduction by
George E. G. Cat l in , Chicago : Univers i ty of
Chicago Press, 1982.
Pragmatism and Sociology, ed. by John B. trans.
by J. C. Whitehouse, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1983.
The Division of Labour in Society, trans. by W.
D. Halls, London: Macmi llan, 1984.
Readings from Emile Durkheim, ed. by Kenneth
Thopson, Chichester: Elles Horwood Limited,
Durkheim on Politics and the State, ed. by
Anthony Giddens, Stanford, California: Stanford
University Press, 1986.
Raymond Aron
Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Vol. 2.,
New York: Anchor Books, 1968.
Celestin Bougle
" Preface to the Original Edition" In Emile
Durkheim, Sociology and Philosophy, New York:
Free Press` 1974 .
. Lewis Coser
Masters of Sociological Thought, 2nd ed., New
York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.
Michael Curtis
Three Against The Third Republic: Sorel, Barres,
and Maurras, Princeton, N. J. : Prinston Univ.
Press, 1959.
Steve Fenton
Durkheirn & Moderw Sociology, Aew York:Vniv of
Cambridge Press, 1984.
Anthony Giddens
" Durkheim`s Political Sociology" Sociolo leal
Review, 19, 4, 1971, pp. 477~519.評估涂爾幹政治社會學的重要著作。
Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, Cambridge,
England:Cambridge University Press, 1971.
Emile Durkheim, London: Fontana Modern Masters,1979
Steven Lukes
Emi Ie Durkheim, His Life and Work, New York:
Penguin Books, 1981.
Joseph Neyer
" Individualism and Socialism in Durkheim" In
Essays on Sociology and Philosophy, ed. by Kurt
Wolff, New York: Harper and Row, 1960.
Robert A. Nisbet
The Sociology of Emi Ie Durkheim, New York:
Oxford Univers ity Press, 1974 .
Talcott Parsons
The Structure of Social Action, Xew York:
Mcgraw Hi 11. and The free Press 1949, chs. 8"`-`
" Emile Durkheilll" in International Encyclopedia
of the Social Science, New York: Macmi Ilan,
1968, vol. 4, pp 311 ~ 320.
" The Life and Work of Emile Durkheim" . in
Durkheim, Sociology and Phi losophy, New York:
free Press, 1974.
Melvin Richter
" Durkheim`s Politics and Political Theory" . in
Essays on Sociology and Phi losophy, ed. by Kurt
Wolff, New York: Harper and Row, 1960 .
Steven Seidman
Liberalism and the Origins of European Social
Theory, Berkeley, Calif. : University of Calif.
Press, 1983.
Perry M. Stugess
Social Theory and Political Ideology : CeIestin
Bougle and the Durkheimian School,Ph . D. dissertion,
City University of New York, 1978
Edward A. Tiryaian
" Emile Durkheim" in Torn Bott ore and Robert
Nisbet eds. A History of Sociological Analysis,
New York: Basic Books, 1978, pp. 187~236.
Mark Traugott
" Introduction" in Durkheim. on Institutional
Analysis, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Kurt H. Wollfe
Emi Ie Durkheim : A Collection of Essays wi th
Translations and a Bibl iography, Columbus,
Ohio: State University Press, 1960.
Jeffrey Prager
"`Morals Intregation and Political Inclusion: A
Comparison of Durkheim`s and Weber`s Theories of
Democracy" , Social forces, 59, 4,1981 pp. 918~ 950.
Ernest E. Wallwork
Durkheim: Moral ity and Mi I ieu, Cambridge J1ass.
: Harvard Un i vers i ty Press, 1972.
Irving Zeitlin
Ideology and the Development of Sociological
Theory, Englewood-CI iffs, N. J. : Prentice
Hall, 1968.
Emi Ie Durkheim
Suicide: A Study in Sociology, trans. by John A.
Spaulding and George Simpson. introduction by
George Simpson, New York: Free Press, 1951.
Education and Sociology, trans. by S. D. Fox
, Glencoe, III ionis : The Free Press, 1956.
Prof ess ional Ethics and Ci vic Mo rals, trans . by C.
Brookfield, London: Routledge and Keegan Paul,
Socialism and Saint-Simon (subsequently entitled
Socialism) , trans. by Charlotte Sattler; introduction
by Alvin W. Gouldner, Yellow Spring•
Ant i oh Press; London: Rout 1 edge and Kegan Pau 1 ,
Montesquieu and Rousseau, trans. by Ralph Manheim
, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960.
The Elementary Forms of the ReI igious Life : a
Study in Religious Sociology, trans. by Joseph
Ward Swain, London: Allen and Unwin; New York:
Macmillan, 1965.
Sociology and Philosophy, trans. by D. F. Pocock
, London : Cohen and West, 1965 .
Seleted Writings, ed. by Anthony Giddens,
Cambr i dge : Cambr i dge Un i vers i ty Press, 1972.
Moral Education: A Study in the Theory and Application
of the Sociology of Education, trans. By
E. K. Wi Ison and H. Schnurer, New York: Free
Press, 1973.
Emile Durkheim on Institutional Analysis, ed. by
Mark Traugot t, Ch i cago : Un i vers i ty of Ch i cago
Press, 1978.
Durkheim: Essays on Morals and Education, ed. by
W. S. F. Pickering, trans. by H. L. Sutdiffe,
London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979.
The Rules of Sociological Meth od, tr ans . by Sarah
A. Solovay and John H. Mue l ler; in tr oduction by
George E. G. Cat l in , Chicago : Univers i ty of
Chicago Press, 1982.
Pragmatism and Sociology, ed. by John B. trans.
by J. C. Whitehouse, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1983.
The Division of Labour in Society, trans. by W.
D. Halls, London: Macmi llan, 1984.
Readings from Emile Durkheim, ed. by Kenneth
Thopson, Chichester: Elles Horwood Limited,
Durkheim on Politics and the State, ed. by
Anthony Giddens, Stanford, California: Stanford
University Press, 1986.
Raymond Aron
Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Vol. 2.,
New York: Anchor Books, 1968.
Celestin Bougle
" Preface to the Original Edition" In Emile
Durkheim, Sociology and Philosophy, New York:
Free Press` 1974 .
. Lewis Coser
Masters of Sociological Thought, 2nd ed., New
York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.
Michael Curtis
Three Against The Third Republic: Sorel, Barres,
and Maurras, Princeton, N. J. : Prinston Univ.
Press, 1959.
Steve Fenton
Durkheirn & Moderw Sociology, Aew York:Vniv of
Cambridge Press, 1984.
Anthony Giddens
" Durkheim`s Political Sociology" Sociolo leal
Review, 19, 4, 1971, pp. 477~519.評估涂爾幹政治社會學的重要著作。
Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, Cambridge,
England:Cambridge University Press, 1971.
Emile Durkheim, London: Fontana Modern Masters,1979
Steven Lukes
Emi Ie Durkheim, His Life and Work, New York:
Penguin Books, 1981.
Joseph Neyer
" Individualism and Socialism in Durkheim" In
Essays on Sociology and Philosophy, ed. by Kurt
Wolff, New York: Harper and Row, 1960.
Robert A. Nisbet
The Sociology of Emi Ie Durkheim, New York:
Oxford Univers ity Press, 1974 .
Talcott Parsons
The Structure of Social Action, Xew York:
Mcgraw Hi 11. and The free Press 1949, chs. 8"`-`
" Emile Durkheilll" in International Encyclopedia
of the Social Science, New York: Macmi Ilan,
1968, vol. 4, pp 311 ~ 320.
" The Life and Work of Emile Durkheim" . in
Durkheim, Sociology and Phi losophy, New York:
free Press, 1974.
Melvin Richter
" Durkheim`s Politics and Political Theory" . in
Essays on Sociology and Phi losophy, ed. by Kurt
Wolff, New York: Harper and Row, 1960 .
Steven Seidman
Liberalism and the Origins of European Social
Theory, Berkeley, Calif. : University of Calif.
Press, 1983.
Perry M. Stugess
Social Theory and Political Ideology : CeIestin
Bougle and the Durkheimian School,Ph . D. dissertion,
City University of New York, 1978
Edward A. Tiryaian
" Emile Durkheim" in Torn Bott ore and Robert
Nisbet eds. A History of Sociological Analysis,
New York: Basic Books, 1978, pp. 187~236.
Mark Traugott
" Introduction" in Durkheim. on Institutional
Analysis, Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Kurt H. Wollfe
Emi Ie Durkheim : A Collection of Essays wi th
Translations and a Bibl iography, Columbus,
Ohio: State University Press, 1960.
Jeffrey Prager
"`Morals Intregation and Political Inclusion: A
Comparison of Durkheim`s and Weber`s Theories of
Democracy" , Social forces, 59, 4,1981 pp. 918~ 950.
Ernest E. Wallwork
Durkheim: Moral ity and Mi I ieu, Cambridge J1ass.
: Harvard Un i vers i ty Press, 1972.
Irving Zeitlin
Ideology and the Development of Sociological
Theory, Englewood-CI iffs, N. J. : Prentice
Hall, 1968. |