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    Title: 原產地規則之探討
    Analysis of Rules of Origin
    Authors: 賴永聲
    Lai, Yung Seng
    Contributors: 蔡英文
    Tsai,Ing Weng
    Lai,Yung Seng
    Keywords: 原產地
    Date: 1994
    Issue Date: 2016-04-29 15:17:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 原產地規則已形成一項重要的貿易問題,其對商業進口型態與工廠尋求供
    投資和設廠等決策之參考,以及因應我國加入 GATT 及將成立之世界貿易
    組織( World Trade Organization; WTO)後,於原產地規則之國際多
    我國原產地規則時參考 。
    Reference: 1. 黃立著,“經濟與貿易法論叢”,五南圖書出版公司,八十一年9月出版。
    2. “歐體原產地規定及其影響”,經濟部工業局八十二年度專案計劃執行成果報告。
    3. 歐市紡織品原產地規定,紡織業外銷拓展會編印,中華民國八十年十月。
    4. 第三次烏拉圭回合談判研討會會議資料,經濟部國際貿易局,中華民國八十年九月。
    5. 二、英文部分
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    50. 22. N. David Palmeter` 1993: Pacific Regional Trade Liber
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    58. 26. David Stepp. 1984: The 1984” Country of Origin” Regulations for Textile Imports: Illegal administrative Action Under Domestic and International Law ? , 14 Ga. J. Int’l & Comp. L. pp.573-595.
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    60. 28. John P. Simpson, Reforming Rules of Origin, Journal of Commerce, 4 October 1988, pp. 12A ,col.2.
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    62. 30. Edwin A. Vermulst, 1992: Rules of Origin as Commercial Policy Instruments-Revisited , Journal of World Trade, 26 J.W.T. 6, December, pp.62-102.
    63. 31. Edwin Vermulst and Paul Waer, 1990: European Commun-
    64. ity Rules of Origin as Commercial Policy Instruments?
    65. Journal of World Trade` 24 J.W.T. 3` June` pp.55-99 o
    66. 32. Gerwin Van Gerven` 1988: New Anti-Circumvention Rules
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    73. (二)書籍
    74. 1. R. C. Hi ne ` The Pol it i ca 1 Economy of European Trade: An
    75. Introduction to the Trade Pol icies of the EEC` Distributed
    76. by Harvester Press ( 1985) 0
    77. 2. John H. Jackson` Wor 1 d Trade and the Law of GATT ( 1969)。
    78. 3. John H. Jackson` The Worl d Trad i ng System ( 1989) 0
    79. 4. D. Lasok` The Customs Law of the European Economic Com
    80. -muni ty ( 1990) 0
    81. 5. Rules of Origin in International Trade: A Comparative
    82. Study` Edwi n Vermul st ` Paul Waer and Jacques Bourgeoi s
    83. (eds.) , the University of Michigan Press (1994) 0
    84. 6. Stephen Weatheri 11 and Paul Beaumont` EC Law` Pengui n
    85. Group Published (1993) 0
    86. 7. Nicholas A Zaimis ,1992: E`uropean Practice Library,
    87. EC Rules of Origin, Chancery Law Publishing.
    88. (三)政府出版品
    89. 1. Council Regulation (EEC) 802/68 of 27 June 1968, on the common definition of the concept of the origin of goods, OJ 1968 L148/1.
    90. 2. Commission Regulation(EEC) 2454/93 of 2 July 1993, laying down provisions for the implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) 2913/92 establishing the Community Customs Code, OJ 1993 L253
    91. 3.Council Regulation (EEC) 2913/92 of 12 October 1992,establishing the Community Customs Code, OJ 1992 L302/1.
    92. 4.Council Regulation (EEC) 1318/71 of 21 June 1971, amending Regulation (EEC) 820/68 on the common definition of the concept of the origin of goods, OJ 1971 L139/6.
    93. 5.Council Regulation (EEC) 456/91 of 25 February 1991, amending Regulation (EEC) 802/68 on the common definition of the concept of the origin of goods. OJ 1991 L54/4.
    94. 6.Commission Regulation (EEC) 3620/90 of 14 December 1990, on determining the origin of the meat and offals, fresh, chilled of frozen , of certain domestic animals , OJ 1990 L351/25.
    95. 7. Commission Regulation ( EEC) 2883/90 of 5 October 1990.
    96. On determining the origin of grape juice, OJ 1990 L276/13
    97. 8.Commission Regulation (EEC) 2884/90 of 5 October 1990 , on determining the origin of certain goods produced from eggs, OJ 1990 L276/14.
    98. 9. Commission Regulation (EEC) 3561/90 of 11 December 1990, on determining the origin of certain ceramic products ,OJ 1990 L347/10.
    99. 10. Commission Regulation (EEC) 2071/89 of July 1989, on determining the origin of photocopying apparatus, incorporating an optical system or of the contact type , OJ. 1989 L196/24.
    100. 11.Commission Regulation (EEC) 3672/90 of 18 December 1990 , on determining the origin of ball, roller or needle roller bearings , OJ 1990 L 356/30.
    101. 12. Commission Regulation (EEC) 1364/91 of 24 May 1991, determining the origin of textiles and textile articles falling within Section XI of the combined nomenclature, OJ. 1991 L130/18.
    102. 13.Commission Regulation (EEC) 1365/19 of 24 May 1991, on determining the origin of cotton linters, impregnated felt and nonwovens, articles of apparel of leather, footwear and watch straps of texticles, OJ 1991 L130/28.
    103. 14. Commission ,Regulation (EEC) 861/71 of 27 April 1971, on
    104. determining the origin of tape recorders` OJ 1971 L95/
    105. 11 0
    106. 15. Commission Regulation (EEC) 2632/70 of 23 December 1970
    107. , on determining the origin of radio and television receivers`
    108. OJ L279/35 o
    109. 16. Commi ssi on Regul ati on ( EEC) 37/70 of 9 January 1970, on
    110. determining the origin of essential spare parts for use
    111. wi th any pi ece of equi pment ` machi ne ` appa ratus or
    112. vechi cl es di spatched beforehand ` OJ 1970 L7 /6 0
    113. . 17. Commission Regulation (EEC) 315/71of 12 February 1971
    114. , on determining the origin of basic wines intended for
    115. the preparation of vermouth, and the origin of vermouth
    116. , OJ 1971 L36/l0 0
    117. 18. Commission Regulation (EEC) 288/89 of 3 February 1989,
    118. on determining the origin of integrated circuits` OJ
    119. 1989 L33/23 o
    120. 19. Commi ss i on Regul ati on ( EEC) 749/78 of 10 Apri 1 1978` on
    121. the determination of the origin of textiles products fa
    122. -lling within Chapters 51 and 53 to 62 of the Combined
    123. Customs Tariff, OJ 1978 UOll7 0
    124. 20. Council Regulation (EEC) 616/78 of 20 March 1978 ` on
    125. proof of origin for certain textile products falling
    126. within Chapter 51 or Chapter 53 to 62 of the Common Cu
    127. -stoms Tariff and imported into the Community` and on
    128. the cond it ions for the acceptance of such proof, OJ
    130. 1987 L84/1.
    131. 21.Commission Regulation (EEC) 1039/71 of 24 May 1971 , on determining the origin of certain woven textiles products, OJ 1971 L113/13.
    132. 22. Commission Regulation (EEC) 861/71 of 27 April 1971, on determining the origin of tape recorder, OJ 1971 L95/11.
    133. 23.Pub. L. No. 100-418. §1321, 102 Stat. 1192, adding § 781 to the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended , 19 U.S.C.A § 1677j.
    134. 24. North American Free Trade Agreement, Chapter 4.
    135. 25.U.S Int’l Trade Commision , Standardization of Rules of Origin, Pub. No. 1976. Rep. No. 332-239 at VI (1987) (Preminary), pp.1-20
    136. 26.U.S. Int’l Trade Commision , The Impact of Rules of Origin on U.S Imports and Exports, Pub. No. 1695, May(1985), pp.1-107.
    138. (四)GATT出版品
    139. 1.Basic Instruments and Selected Documents(BISD), First Supplement ( March 1953), pp. 104-105.
    140. 2. BISD, Second Supplement (January 1954), pp. 53-54.
    141. 3.BISD,Second Supplement( January 1955), pp.94-99.
    142. 4.”European Economic Community Regulation on Imports of Parts and Components”, BISD Suppl. No. 37 pp. 132-199.
    143. 5. Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of
    144. Multilateral Trade Negotiations `Agreement on Rules of
    145. Origin 0
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002003788
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文

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