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    Title: 社群媒體與政治溝通─以俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫的臉書為例
    Social Media and Political Communication: The Case of Russian President Medvedev`s Facebook
    Authors: 郭貞均
    Kuo, Chen Chun
    Contributors: 林永芳
    Lin, Yung Fang
    Kuo, Chen Chun
    Keywords: 第二媒介時代
    the second media age
    the media in Russia
    the internet
    political communication
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2015-11-02 14:57:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 第二媒介時代的來臨,改變了人們之間互動的方式。訊息的流通不再是單一方向,而是藉由網路媒體達成兩者互動的特點。自從Dmitry Medvedev使用臉書以來,就經常發布各式各樣貼文、照片與資訊,試圖與民眾達成線上溝通。本文藉由政治溝通理論檢視現今俄羅斯政治人物使用大眾媒體得到的效果。


    The coming of the second media age has changed the way people connect with each other. A one-way flow of media messages turns into a two-way interaction
    characteristic of internet media. Since Dmitry Medvedev has used the Facebook, he
    regularly posts a bunch of post, shares pictures and information in order to make an
    online communication with his followers. This paper uses the concept of political communication to examine uses and effects of mass media that nowadays used by the Russian politician.
    Compared with the traditional media, costs of the internet is more expensive. Despite the fact that internet is more free, it’s difficult to make a deep influence directly on people like television or newspaper. The study shows that Russian has been influenced by their own history for a long time, the using of the media is intervened by the law. Therefore, it might restrict the autonomous development of the internet.
    This paper shows that there is a variety of the contents in Medvedev’s Facebook. The topic of discussion includes of policy, economy, society and even culture with the help of a short film, words, links and photos. Responses for his post are filled with 4 kinds of characteristics: initiation, conversion, reinforcement and activation. Analyzing the interaction between the politician and his followers, the limitation of the internet makes the online political communication difficult to practice, which causes the users unequally distribute in Russia, and makes the message hard to widely spread. Furthermore, the politician’s attitude toward the medium is the main key to influence the result of the political communication.
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