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    題名: 台灣大學生對網路影音新聞可信度之影響因素研究
    The study of factor and impact of Taiwanese student on credibility of online video news
    作者: 林俊孝
    Lin, Chun Hsiao
    貢獻者: 黃葳威
    Huang, Wei Wei
    Lin, Chun Hsiao
    關鍵詞: 可信度
    online video news
    Internet Using Motivation
    online news
    日期: 2015
    上傳時間: 2015-08-24 10:17:24 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近來國內網路社群逐漸普及,國內翻拍網路影音新聞已經成為電視新聞的重要素材來源。不少人宣稱Web2.0平台之後,使用者自創內容(user-generated content)得以擴大公民參與,但學界與實務界都有正反兩面的評價,本研究將從長期使用網路影音內容的台灣大學生,探查網路影音新聞可信度的影響因素為何?

    Social networks have been popular in Taiwan recently, and the online videos becomes the main source of TV news. An argument arises whether user-generated content can enhance civic participation after the appearance of Web 2.0 platform. Therefore, the purpose of thesis aims to examine the news credibility of Internet video news among Taiwanese college students who used to watch video content.

    The survey employed random sampling to collect 731 valid samples among 13 colleges. The important results of this thesis are listed as below:

    1. Internet is the main outlet to gain news information for college students. Civic video is important theme of TV news, while entertainment video content has negative impact on journalism.

    2. Both TV news which adapt Internet video and Internet video news have low credibility.

    3a. College students who have lower information seeking motive and higher sociability motive for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapted Internet videos.

    3b. College students who are more identified with civic videos and entertainment videos more likely think TV news which adapted videos have credibility.

    3c. College students who have higher sociability motive for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapt online videos;

    3d. College students who are more identified with civic videos and entertainment videos more likely think TV news which adapted videos have credibility.

    4. College students who have less information seeking motives for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapt online videos, and college students who are more likely identified with entertainment news video have more credibility on Internet video news.

    In general, there are positive significant difference between online video credibility and the motives of information seeking, sociability, and entertainment. The results showed that although the credibility of online video is still in doubt, it still have positive devotions.
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