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    Title: 保全人員工作滿意度對留任意願影響之研究
    The Impact of Security Guards Job Satisfaction on Retention Intention
    Authors: 何宗禧
    Contributors: 成之約
    Keywords: 保全人員
    security guards
    job satisfaction
    retention intention
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-02-03 10:28:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 翻開報紙,滿滿皆是保全人員的徵才廣告,保全產業規模擴張雖然快速,但是人力資源配合的腳步卻很難跟上,目前產業界普遍面臨人力不足、流動率高等問題,要如何留住人才,是業界目前急迫需解決的課題。
    1. 不同年齡之保全人員對工作滿意度有相關,呈現正相關。
    2. 不同養育狀況之保全人員對工作滿意度有相關,呈現正相關。
    3. 不同服務地區之保全人員對工作滿意度有相關,宜蘭縣>新竹縣>台北市>新北市。
    4. 不同婚姻狀況之保全人員對留任意願有相關,已婚者留任意願較高。
    5. 不同養育狀況之保全人員對留任意願有相關,呈現正相關。
    6. 目前月薪不同之保全人員對留任意願有相關,呈現負相關。
    7. 不同案場類別之保全人員對留任意願有相關,組織留任意願辦公大樓較高。專業留任意願社區大樓較高。
    8. 不同服務地區之保全人員對留任意願有相關,宜蘭縣>台北市>新竹市>新北市
    9. 保全人員於薪資福利的滿意度對留任意願有相關,呈現正相關。
    10. 保全人員於公司組織的滿意度對留任意願有相關,呈現正相關。
    11. 保全人員於工作環境的滿意度對留任意願有相關,呈現正相關。
    12. 本研究依據上述結論,分別對保全公司、保全人員以及政府單位提出建議,以供參考。
    There are loads of job advertisements for security guards in the newspapers. Though the security industries have been fast growing, the human resource management as well as manpower development never cope with such growth need well. Therefore, the industries are generally facing the following urgent problems, such as short of manpower, high employee turnover rate, and lack of retention intention. How to retain the talents definitively is the most critical issue.
    The aim of this research is to probe the impact of security guards’ job satisfaction on retention intention. We designed a questionnaire and applied it to the security guards of Company A (some security company) as the subjects. We sent out 394 questionnaires with 283 valid ones (total 303 responses, 20 invalid excluded) and the effective response rate is 71.83%.
    The main findings from this research are:
    1. There exits a positive correlation between ages and job satisfaction levels of security guards.
    2. There exist a positive correlation between family raising condition levels and job satisfaction levels of security guards.
    3. Security guards with various work areas have significantly different job satisfaction levels (JSL); ranging from the highest to the lowest JSL work areas are YiLan County, HsinChu County, Taipei City and New Taipei City.
    4. Security guards with various marriage statuses have significantly different job satisfaction levels. The married have higher retention intention levels than the single.
    5. Security guards with various family raising conditions (FRC) have significantly different retention intention levels (RIL) and there exits a positive correlation between FRC and RIL.
    6. Security guards with various monthly salary levels (MSL) have significantly different retention intention levels (RIL) and there exits a negative correlation between MSL and RIL.
    7. Security guards with various workplace types (office buildings, OB, v.s. community buildings, CB) have significantly different retention intention levels (RIL) and there exits a higher organizational RIL for the OB and a higher professional RIL for the CB.
    8. Security guards with various work areas have significantly different retention intention levels (RIL); ranging from the highest to the lowest RIL areas are YiLan County, Taipei City, HsinChu County and New Taipei City.
    9. Security guards with various salary and welfare satisfaction levels (S&WSL) have significantly different retention intention levels (RIL). There exists a positive correlation between S&WSL and RIL.
    10. Security guards with various company satisfaction levels (CSL) have significantly different retention intention levels (RIL). There exists a positive correlation between CSL and RIL.
    11. Security guards with various work environment satisfaction levels (WESL) have significantly different retention intention levels (RIL). There exists a positive correlation between WESL and RIL.
    According to the above findings, we suggest that the security companies focus on aged workers’ human resource development, implement practicable career plans, value the aged and family raising load security guards and improve the labor conditions.
    Then the suggestions to the security guards are to improve their professional competencies through acquiring professional certificates and licenses and to increase self-esteem.
    And last we suggest that the government make great use of aged workers and guide them getting into the security industries, practice thorough tender qualification and evaluation, and improve labor conditions.
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