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    Title: 公司治理及企業社會責任關聯性之研究
    The Association between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
    Authors: 吳筱婷
    Wu, Hsiao Ting
    Contributors: 汪泱若
    Wang, Yang Jong
    Wu, Hsiao Ting
    Keywords: 公司治理
    corporate governance
    corporate social responsibility
    ownership structure
    board structure
    risk characteristic of management
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2015-02-03 10:17:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去文獻的結果顯示,公司治理與公司價值或績效間存在正向關聯性;企業社會責任與公司價值或績效間亦有關聯性。本文從多個面向去分類負面的企業社會責任事件,並以金融業與非金融業公司為樣本,探討股權結構、董監結構及經營層風險等公司治理特性對企業社會責任的影響。在控制公司財務特性變數下,實證結果顯示:(1)公司治理與企業社會責任依然存在關聯性;(2)公司治理與企業社會責任之關係,在不同的企業社會責任面向上有不同之關聯性;(3)公司治理與企業社會責任之關係,在不同產業間存在不同之關聯性。
    The previous studies show that there is a positive association between corporate govemence and companys’value or performance. Some studies also show that there is an association between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and companys’value or performance. This study investigates the effect of corporate governance attributes, including ownership structure, board structure and risk characteristics of management, on assessmet of corporates’CSR measured in terms of several kinds of negative CSR events as a proxy for negative CSR score. The samples are divided into the financial industry and non-financial industry. After controlling for firm-specific factors, we find that: (1) There is a association between corporate governance and CSR; (2) the relationship between corporate governance and CSR differs from several kinds of negative CSR events; (3) the relationship between corporate governance and CSR differs from different industries.
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