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    Title: 公私協力失靈之政治分析-以阿里山森林鐵路BOT為例
    Authors: 謝崇毅
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Keywords: 公私夥伴關係
    public-private partnership
    collective action
    Alishan Forest Railway
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:51:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   我國政府近年來積極的推動吸引民間企業投資公共建設,目的是減少財政支出甚至能夠增加財政收入,但是公部門與私部門先天上追求的目標就不同,公部門與私部門間的協力(collaboration)勢必得要解決這種公私協力夥伴關係(public-private partnerships)內在目標上公益與私利間的衝突。本研究選擇阿里山森林鐵路三合一BOT案作為探討的個案,以合產(coproduction)的理論分析此個案從規劃、執行、到契約終止所面臨的各種挑戰與困難,並分析是什麼因素使得看似對公私部門雙贏的計劃最後變成一場災難。公部門代表林務局的行動不只是基於物質性誘因(materialistic incentives)更是基於社群性(solidary)以及目的性(purposive)的誘因,與此相對的宏都阿里山公司則是評估計劃中有獲利的可能,在這樣的情況下一旦發生重大天災或是其他障礙使得物質性誘因的吸引力減弱,計劃就開始搖搖欲墜,另外該計劃所引起劇烈的反彈,反對勢力由當地居民、原住民團體、以及環保團體各自基於不盡相同的理由組合而成,這些來自不同來源的成員成功克服了集體行動(collective action)的困難而進行有組織性的陳情與抗議行動,影響了阿里山森林鐵路三合一BOT案的發展。
    There is a worldwide trend of inviting private sector to provide public infrastructure jointly with the governments. Taiwan has practiced accordingly in the past decade and experienced diverse results that help accumulating valuable lessons regarding the maintenance of accountability in such public-private partnership. This study focuses on the case of privatizing a precious mountain railway system in Taiwan to examine why a theoretically promising policy would eventually turn to a disaster. This research indicates how essential factors in local politics may overwhelm policy arena, more specifically Environmental Impact Assessment, to ruin synergy pursued via cooperation among private capital, agency of central government, and local government.
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