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    Title: 台灣都市原住民另類療者的案例研究
    The Case Study of an Urban Indigenous Healer in Taiwan
    Authors: 傅鳳翮
    Aude Fluckiger
    Contributors: 賀大衛

    Holm, David
    Liu, Pi Chen

    Aude Fluckiger
    Keywords: 都市原住民
    urban healer
    New Age religions movements
    sound healing
    linguistic sociology
    symbolic ritual
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-11-01 11:48:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Lisin-現居在台灣北部的一位阿美族另類治療者,1955年出生於花蓮玉里,出自其困頓艱苦的生命經驗,發展出獨特的 ”聲音 ”治療方式(sound healing)。透過使用自己的聲音,在治療過程中,與病患交談互動,同時也融入了許多傳統的元素,Lisin引導病患進入她的內在旅程。她獨特的治療過程不僅反應了她命運多舛的過往,同時也映照了在台灣產生的新興宗教現象。
    透過網際網路的宣傳(包括Facebook),Lisin展開了國際的社交網路,也開拓了顧客群。她個人的魅力吸引了新來者參與其工作坊與治療課程。她治療實作方式與招募新病人方法的演變都顯示出由作為”心靈治療者(spiritual figure) ”到作為”派別招募者(sectarian figure)”角色的轉變。

    Lisin is an Amis indigenous woman born in 1955 in Yuli, Hualien. From her precarious and disadvantaged social background, she persistently moved through ought her life and she today lives near an urban centre in northern Taiwan.
    This case study is investigating the very singular healing method she developed: beyond the apparent Amis ethnic feature, Lisin’s practice reflects mostly the important influence of the New Age phenomenon in Taiwan.
    Through the use of “sound healing” that consists in using Lisin’s own voice to “heal”, coupled with a dialogical interaction to guide the patient in her “inner journey” and the repetitive use of “possession” to provoke a catarctic process, Lisin also integrates many elements consistent with a wide range of traditions. As a result of all those foreign elements incorporated with local Taiwanese elements (i.e. Buddhist, Taoist, and indigenous), Lisin has constituted a new type of “healing practice”.
    Through a method of analysis focused on discourse, I propose to investigate “what she actually says” during her interactions with her patients, and analyse it through the lens of social theories of language (Bourdieu, Goffman, Hanks, Urban).
    Lisin’s discourse reveals in details how she establishes her authority in the therapeutic relationship, and the particular way she manages her relations with patients who first are “passionate” and “committed” to her, but generally leave very shortly after starting the healing process.
    Through further psychologically-oriented theories and ethnographies, this research investigates the constitutive mechanisms of the therapeutic relationship, and how the authority of the healer is established and maintained. The outcome of this investigation has been put in relation to the phenomenon of healing efficacy.
    Lisin is gaining notoriety in Taiwan and abroad, and the method of promotion she uses through Internet (Facebook) contributes to raise an international social network and clientèle. Her charismatic personality always attracts newcomers to her workshops and to her individual healing sessions, and the evolution of her healing practice and method of recruiting new patients reveals a shift of role from “spiritual figure” to that of “cult figure” with a sectarian tendency.

    Key words: symbolic ritual, shamanism, linguistic sociology, sound healing, New Age religions movements, urban healer

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099259013
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