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    Title: 教師組織公民行為前置變項之後設分析
    Antecedents of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior: A meta-analysis
    Authors: 黃淑娟
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Keywords: 教師組織公民行為
    teachers’organizational citizenship behavior
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2013-09-05 15:36:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討我國教師組織公民行為前置變項之研究,藉2000年至2010年間72篇論文及期刊之研究數據,以後設分析方法分別投入不同篇數進行教師組織公民行為之研究,探討教師組織公民行為及其前置變項之相關、差異分析影響等研究。本研究主要發現:(一)領導行為之轉型領導與服務領導分別與教師公民行為之效果值有顯著相關。(二)不同背景變項對教師公民行為之效果值有顯著差異,且在程度上具大效果值。(三)教師態度變項之教師組織承諾與教師工作滿意度分別與教師公民行為之效果值有顯著相關。(四)組織文化變項與教師公民行為之效果值有顯著相關。(五)教師內部行銷變項與教師公民行為之效果值有顯著相關。而本研究的結論與建議為學校領導者應善用教師組織公民行為之前置變項以促進教師組織公民行為之展現。
    The main purpose of this studyis to synthesize the researches by using meta-analysis methods (fixed and random model) on antecedents of teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in elementary and secondary schoolsin Taiwan.The researcher analyzedthe correlation coefficient effect size and standardized mean difference effect size by collecting data from 72 theses and journals published during 2000-2010, and the effect sizes were calculated by Comprehensive Meta Analysis software.

    The main findings of this study: (1) There is the significant correlation betweentransformational leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, as well as the significant correlation between teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior and servant leadership; (2) Teachers with various background have differences in their organizational citizenship behavior, which contains obvious effect size to the extent; (3) There is the significant correlation between teachers’ organizational commitment and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, as well as the significant correlation between teachers’ job satisfaction and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior; (4) There is the significant correlation between organizational culture and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior;(5) There is the significant correlation between teachers’ internal marketing and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior.As a result, some suggestions are provided for school leaders and future research.
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