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Title: | 使用者即訊息概念、方法與實作:以國內企業組織社群網站與管理者為例 The User Is the Message: A Case Study of Facebook Pages in Taiwan |
Authors: | 施伯燁 Shih, Po Yeh |
Contributors: | 翁秀琪 Weng, Shieu Chi 施伯燁 Shih, Po Yeh |
Keywords: | 使用者研究 媒介即訊息 麥克魯漢 社群媒體 意義建構 User research The media is the message McLuhan Social media sense-making |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-09-02 15:08:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究從麥克魯漢所提出的媒介即訊息出發,就使用者研究、意義建構方法論及實踐取徑進行討論,提出本研究主要概念:使用者即訊息。本研究認為新媒體提供使用者一個新的產製模式(使用者即媒體-內容);而且應該注意到各個使用者間的目的、意義與對話(使用者即意義-方法);最後,應從網絡面向了解使用者們所構成的環境(使用者即資料-系統)。
本研究認為使用者即訊息的概念、方法與實作,有助初步勾勒社群網站與使用者間的多重目的、彼此的意義建構、複合關係與基本環境,希望有助後續更多類型、面向的新媒體與使用者研究。 This study aims to addresses “the user is the message” concept from the discussion of the user research, the sense-making methodology and the practice approach. The new media has provided users a brand new production model (the user is the media-content) and ought to focus on the purposes, the meanings and the conversations among the users (the user is the meaning-method). Moreover, the new media is supposed to figure out the environment constructed by the users from the dimension of networks (the user is the data-system).
Taking 5 social media (Facebook Pages) of Taiwanese enterprises as the studied cases, this study implements interviews, open-ended surveys, data analyses and participate observations as the research methods. By investigating the content, the interface, the purpose, the meaning, the network and the environment, the study results indicate that the website managers appear to be the nonsense makers in the time line to communicate with customers and make them touched. Gradually, the multiple-link-building strategies, the information dissemination and the integrated relationship network can be created as the indirect business model forms.
This study further suggests that the concept, the method and the practice of the concept “the user is the message” allow researchers to outline the multiple intentions, the meaning construction, the integrated relationships and the basic environment among the users for future new media and user research. |
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