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Title: | 門市營運績效及管理之探討-以3C連鎖通路A業者為例 A Case Study of Operation Performance and Management on Chain Stores |
Authors: | 洪穎菁 Hung, Ying Ching |
Contributors: | 林宛瑩 洪穎菁 Hung, Ying Ching |
Keywords: | 3C 連鎖店 流通業 績效 門市 3C chain stores retail industry performance stores |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-04-01 14:37:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣連鎖零售業發展至今,市場已漸趨成熟,業者亦逐漸累積成功的商業經營模式。然而,連鎖通路勝出的關鍵因子不僅是規模經濟與經營效率,更需要了解每一門市經營效益,具備洞悉當地市場的能力,可以即時發現問題與調整經營方式。例如,如何透過經營活動產生的數值,分析店舖的績效(Ittner and Lacker 1998);瞭解不同類型門市經營模式的關鍵的經營因素,以及可以提供門市經營變化預警訊息之預警指標,門市經營(李孟熹1994),為連鎖式經營業者應予重視之管理議題,亦為值得深入探討之研究議題。 本研究以國內某3C連鎖零售通路為研究樣本,以其2009年1月至2012年5月的營運數據為資料,實證分析影響該業者門市經營績效的因素。並就商品銷售變化面、營業面積運用效益面與門市獲利面,作進一步之分析。 透過實證模型結果分析,在「商品銷售變化面」,來客數與商品別週邊耗材營業額呈顯著正向關係。週邊耗材商品業績良好與否的變化與門市來客數之增減有密切關係,可做為評估門市經營客群的掌握度。另外,商圈類型為社區型、都市型與鄉鎮型門市商品銷售以2C為主,說明不同商圈類型的門市確實有不同商品組合,門市商品配置時需作調整以利滿足當地顧客購買需求。 在「營業面積運用效益面」,每人負責的坪數與坪效呈顯著負向關係。當每人負責的坪數越大時,該門市的坪效越差,也代表每人業績貢獻度越低,當店業績越少,營業坪數的承租應考量人員守備範圍以利最佳化。 在「門市獲利面」,單一門市經營時,來客數的掌握與特定商圈類型(社區型、都市型與鄉鎮型)門市的週邊配件業績占比可為衡量經營優劣的指標;多家門市共同經商圈時,業績因新設點的加入而擴大,的確透過多家門市可達到較高的商圈覆蓋範圍,在市場上掠奪競爭者的業績;但該商圈的整體獲利鮮少有提升,因需負擔相同的營業費用項目(如租金、人事費用、管理費用),且經營時程拉長,同商圈內的門市相互競爭狀況無法改善,出現將市場越做越小的情形。 The developments of chain stores market in retailer industry mature gradually right now. Enterprises have accumulated commercial model how to operate successfully as well. However, the key point of success is not only scale economy and operating efficiency, but also operating benefit of per store. Having the ability of insight local market can discover problem and remodel it. For example, we can analyze stores performance by the operation information.(Ittner and Lacker 1998)we can understand the key operation factor in different kind of store. At the same time, that can be a warning sign for observing changing. Stores management is a important issue that enterprise should attach importance to it and it is valuable to investigate deeply. This thesis is based on 3C retailer industry, and the data period is from January, 2009 to May, 2012. Practical demonstration analyzes which kind factors will influence stores performance, and seperately discuss different aspect, sale change of product, average sale of per unit area, and profit &loss to do advanced analysis. According to the result of practical model, in the aspect of changing of product sales, consumer flow is positive related with accessory sales. The increase of the accessory sales will raise consumer flow. On the other hand, marketplace types are community type, city type, and countryside type which sale more consumer product than other marketplace type. So, different market type has different product portfolio, and need to adjust to fit the demand of local customer. In the aspect of average sales per unit area, average space per person is negative related with average sales per unit area. If area space per person is larger, average sales per unit area is less. It also means an average sale per person is lower. If the store sales decrease, we should consider optimizing average space per person. In the aspect of profit & loss on chain stores, accessory ratio can be an indicator whether the operation is excellent on particular marketplace type and consumer flow. When several stores cooperate to manage one marketplace, the sale will increase due to new store adding, and expand the market share. However, the total profit is rarely increasing due to expending double overheads (rental, salary, administration fee, etc.). These stores in same marketplace compete with each other in the long term. If this situation can’t improve, the market share will become more and more less. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 商管專業學院碩士學位學程(AMBA) 99380026 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099380026 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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