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Title: | 影響都市更新合建分配比率因素之研究-以台北市為例 Factors affecting share distribution in jointly developed urban renewal projects --- an example of Taipei City |
Authors: | 江志恩 Chiang, Chih En |
Contributors: | 林左裕 Lin, Tsoyu Calvin 江志恩 Chiang, Chih En |
Keywords: | 都市更新 合建 特徵價格模型 複迴歸分析 Urban Renewal Joint Development Hedonic Price Model Multiple Regression Analysis |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-02-01 16:57:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去都市更新相關文獻中,多在分析都市更新制度與探討相關法令缺失,且多以權利變換方式探討地主權益之分配,較少以量化分析來研究都市更新協議合建分配型態,對於地主所關注合建分配比率之影響因素也未能深入研究。本研究透過文獻回顧與台北市都市更新之現況分析後,掌握可能之影響變數,藉由實證資料之蒐集與相關變數之選取,將資料進行複迴歸實證分析,以探討影響都市更新合建分配比率之顯著變數。 本研究篩選出可能影響合建分配比率之14個自變項,並排除相關係較高之土地所有權人數及建築成本兩變數後,透過複迴歸分析,結果顯示有8項達顯著性之影響因素,其中個別屬性變數包括每人土地面積、每容積公告土地現值、平均容積率、臨路寬度與臨路寬度平方、都市更新容積獎勵率、區域房價等6項達顯著性,除臨路寬度平方與都市更新合建分配比率呈負向關係外,其他皆呈正向關係,而在總體經濟變數有上一月基準利率及上一季M2年增率等2項達顯著性,其中上一月基準利率與都市更新合建分配比率呈負向關係,而上一季M2年增率與都市更新合建分配比率呈正向關係。 由實證結果得知,增加都市更新容積獎勵,確實有助提昇地主合建分配比率,因此,政府應適度調整容積獎勵項目及上限,使地主參加都市更新後,能獲得較佳之居住環境與較高之居住面積水準,甚至保障地主原居住面積水準,以增加地主參與都市更新之意願。期望政府持續大力推動都市更新政策,透過建築規劃及設計,達到改善市容、美化環境、增進公共安全及提昇居住水準等政策目的,進而達到政府、地主及開發商三贏之目標。 Most of the past research studies on urban renewal involves analysis in the related regulations and their shortcomings. Furthermore, studies based on allocation of land owners’ equity rights are mostly done from perspective of the rules set from the government supervised appraisal process known as Rights Transformation. Few of them are conducted using the quantitative approach to derive the equity rights of the landowners from the perspective of the process known as Joint Development --- a process of private negotiation and derived terms. Thus, through analysing research articles and the current state of the urban renewal projects in Taipei, this study first intends to identify the possible variables that might affect the equity share distribution. Then using regression analysis based on the selected variables and collections of empirical data, this study explores and derives variables of significant impacts on the equity share distribution between developers and landowners in jointly developed urban renewal projects. This research has screened 14 independent variables that might have impact the equity share distribution. Results of regression analysis identify 8 significant factors, including land area per owner, government assesed land value per floor area, average floor area ratio, road width, square of road width, floor area incentive for urban renewal, and surrounding area housing value. Most of the variables have positive relationships with the landowners’ equity except for the square of road width. Macroeconomic variables such as last month’s prime interest rate and M2 growth rate in the previous quarter are found to have significant impact as well. Of which, prime interest rate is found to have negative relationship with landowners’ equity, and M2 growth rate is found to have positive relationship. Based on this empirical study, the result shows that increasing urban renewal floor area incentives indeed enhances landowners’ equity rights in a jointly developed urban renewal project. Thus, government should adjust appropriately each of the floor area incentives and their maximum allowed limits, giving the original residents a better living environment and a slightly larger living space from the redeveloped project. Furthermore, to increase the willingness of the original residents’ participation in urban renewal projects, the government could guarantee the retention of their floor area in the redeveloped projects to be the same as the floor area before urban renewal. The government should continue to promote its urban renewal policy. Proper architecture planning and design will improve the city’s appearance and the environment, as well as enhancing public safety and living standards - through which the government will not only achieve its policy objectives, but also create a win-win situation between the developers, landowners, and the government itself. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 97923013 101 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097923013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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