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Title: | 紀實娛樂頻道的國際化策略分析 The international strategy of Real-World entertainment channel |
Authors: | 洪琪真 Hung, Chi Chen |
Contributors: | 陳建維 Chen, Chien Wei 洪琪真 Hung, Chi Chen |
Keywords: | 國際化 標準化與在地化 紀實娛樂 Discovery頻道 Internationalization Standardization & Localization Real-World Entertainment Discovery Channel |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-11-01 13:51:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 文化的重要性,巳躍居為國家戰略級的地位。兩岸政府都將文化創意產業的發展列入下一波的新興產業,期許它能成為推動下一波經濟的新引擎。然而,文創產業除了強調文化在地性之價值,更重視與國際接軌,才有機會跨越國界,創造出如韓劇《大長今》遍及全球60國家的900億新台幣的週邊效益(超越750萬台EeePC的產值)。
Discovery傳播集團因其知識性與教育性的內容,天生具備「政府友善」(Government Friendly)的特質,迅速在美國成長。但其國際化初期,因節目版權、各國政府法令限制在地製作內容的比例、觀眾偏好不同等挑戰,進而推出尋求在地人才製作在地節目的《新銳導演計畫》,並舉辦紀實影片研討會廣納人才。隨後又與BBC合作推出大成本、大製作的紀實影片,推出「與世界同步觀賞」的世界級節目,建立全球一致的品牌形象。過程中,Discovery累積並發展出其核心能力,並複製到其他市場,是最終建立其全球品牌價值、優勢、及持續成長的重要關鍵。
透過四個個案的分析-《流言終結者》、《新銳導演計畫》、《聖母峰:攀越巔峰》及《瘋台灣》,探討Discovery「節目與行銷」vs.「標準化及在地化」四種策略的成效,進一步確認「在地化」因子,在國際化過程極為重要的關鍵。「在地化」架構一個平台,讓在地的觀眾、媒體、廣告主、政府能有進一步參與的角色,並達成以5R的綜效(Local Relevant、Rating、Relationship、Revenue、Recognition)。
關鍵詞:國際化、標準化與在地化、紀實娛樂、Discovery頻道。 The huge success of Cool Britannia, Korean drama & K-pop, cultural and creative industries, aka soft power, are considered key drivers in booting economic growth by Taiwan & Mainland China governments. The key factor behind this success is internationalizing the unique local culture.
The objective of this study is to reveal the internationalization history, the factor & the formula behind the World’s number one real-world entertainment media - Discovery Communications Inc. What challenges did Discovery confronted back to early 90s, and what competence the company built up through limited resources over the past 27 years, and how it adopted the success formula from Europe to Asia and make Discovery a global brand.
The research analyzes four cases which include Mythbusters, First Time Filmmakers, Everest and Fun Taiwan by the framework of standardization and localization vs. programming & marketing. Through the process, this work reveals the key successful factor is localization either in programing or marketing. Therefore it creates a local-friendly platform to further engage local partners- viewer, advertiser, media & government to take part in and achieve a multi-purposes success – the 5R synergy- Local Relevant, Rating, Relationship, Recognition & Revenue.
Key words: internationalization, Discovery Channel, real-world entertainment, standardization & localization |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 98932006 100 |
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