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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > Department of MIS > Theses >  Item 140.119/55108
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    Title: 利用IT支援毒品防制政策推動之研究-現行毒品防制策略之困境與改善芻議
    The efficacy enhancement strategy of drug abuse prevention through information management approach----Key problems focusing of current drug policy and some suggestions
    Authors: 陳泉錫
    Chen, Chuan Hsi
    Contributors: 季延平

    Chi, Yan Pin
    Jan, Chung yuang

    Chen, Chuan Hsi
    Keywords: 美沙酮
    Methadone Maintenance Treatment
    Drug Abuse Prevention Center
    Harm Reduction
    Data Mining
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2012-11-01 13:48:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 毒品濫用問題乃世界各國共通之施政難題,我國政府於1993年宣布向毒品宣戰,並在2005年8月引進美沙酮替代療法(Methadone Maintenance Treatment,MMT),於全國各縣市推動毒品減害計畫。但歷經十餘年之努力,毒品人口與整體毒品再犯率截至2010年底並未明顯降低,足見毒品防制政策有全面檢視問題癥結,重新調整執行策略之必要。本研究就此現象探討三項議題:1.毒品防制領域,IT有無著力之空間? 2.以美沙酮替代療法為主之毒品防制策略在台灣地區推行是否發揮預期的效果?現行做法有無改善空間? 3.出監毒癮者復歸社會後再犯率高,其最需要政府的幫助為何,方能有效降低再犯毒品罪之誘因?。三項議題互為關聯。
    Background:Drug abuse problems have been a global concern issue. Taiwan’s government introduced Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) in Aug. 2005, now it has become one of the major strategies in fighting drug abuse. Whereas, up to 2010 MMT strategy still not shows effectiveness in reduce drug population and recidivism. The aim of this study is to: Provide the value to the Drug Abuse Provention System in R.O.C.through IT approach,and to evaluate whether MMT is performed adequately in Taiwan.If not,what are the key factors? The study will provide objective evidence and suggestions to authorities for better decision making. Methods: This study used Prove of Concept (POC) and experiment approachs. Build software system and SOP to prove the concept of “National Drug Addicts Supporting and Monitoring System (NDASMS)” can enhance the efficiency of Information Intergration among government agencies of drug prevention effectively. The study also used the data of NDASMS to evaluate the efficacy of MMT implementation in Taiwan, and find the reasons why MMT dose not work as expected. Result: The IT approach have been proved that enhance the infromation integration effectively among agencies, but IT can,t make the Chain of National Drug Provention Mechanism improve alone.The adequacy of MMT implementation and its supporting measures in Taiwan need to be further examined.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096356506
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of MIS] Theses

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