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    Title: 我國與美國聯邦對身分竊用法律之比較研究
    A comparative study on the identity theft related laws and practices of Taiwan (R.O.C.) and U.S.A
    Authors: 徐子文
    Hsu, Tzu Wen Daniel
    Contributors: 陳起行
    Chen, Chi Shing
    Hsu, Tzu Wen Daniel
    Keywords: 身分竊用
    Identity Theft
    Identity Fraud
    Personal Data Protection
    Cyber Crime
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 15:23:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因為資通訊科技之普及發達,提升經濟、社會活動的便捷性並豐富人們的生活品質,但一面兩刃,它同時也蘊藏了新興犯罪的機會,對經濟、社會活動之正常運作帶來威脅。其中,身分資料偷竊及身分冒用(以下簡稱「身分竊用」),已然成為資訊社會時代嚴重的新興犯罪之一。「身分竊用」一般俗稱為「身分竊盜」,其係由英文原文identity theft直譯而來。其實身分無從竊盜起,英文原文的identity theft其實也是簡稱,完整的意義是identity theft and assumption,係指行為人未經授權擅用他人用已表彰其身分的證明或資訊,從而冒用他人之身分,遂行各式活動。本研究為求接近其實際文意內涵,在本研究中將其譯為「身分竊用」。
    同為自由開放和高度科技化之社會,美國法律制度和社會機制環境雖與我多有不同,但其面對相同問題時的所受之影響和相對處理方式,或可為我國在處理同類問題時之參考。美國在身分竊用之相關法律,自從1970年代以降,至少制定20件以上的相關法律。先是從個人金融隱私權的保護著手,如在1970年制定《公平信用報告法》(FCRA)、1974年所制定的《隱私權法》(Privacy Act)。1998年則進一步制定通過《身分竊用嚇阻法》(Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act),明文規範「身分竊用」為刑事犯罪行為。《身分竊用嚇阻法》最重要價值是確認了身分被竊用的人也是犯罪被害者,相較於之前只有因犯罪者使用身分竊用手法而被詐騙失去財務的人才被認為是受害者 ,有了很大的進步。而之後的法律制定和實務處理即朝向個人資料保護、身分竊用預防和損害抑制,以及執法訴追等方向前進。
    Identity theft is a form of stealing someone`s identity in which someone pretends to be someone else by assuming that person`s identity, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person`s name. The first victim of identity theft is the person whose identity has been assumed by the identity thief and this person can suffer adverse consequences if they are held accountable for the perpetrator`s actions. The other victims are those who were defrauded by identity theft tactics. Along with the prevalence of information and communication technology, identity theft is becoming a great threat to common people and even to national security.
    This study has collected more than 20 pieces of U.S.A. federal acts and statutes that related to combating identity theft problems. This study then categorizes then into 4 groups, namely 1) identity theft criminalization; 2) national personal identification system; 3) consumer credit report; and 4) personal data protection. In the mean time, this study also collected related laws and Taiwan (R.O.C.) for comparison.
    The government organization structures and legal systems between U.S.A. and Taiwan (R.O.C.) are very different, though the common goal of fighting identity theft is the same; the measures are quite different as well. In short, in terms of laws and personal identification system, the U.S.A. is more decentralized while in Taiwan (R.O.C.) it is more centralized. Taiwan (R.O.C.) has a national-wide and unified personal identification system that put it in a better position to respond and mitigate to identity theft impacts. On the other hand, from the law enforceability aspect, the study finds the U.S.A. provides better tools to law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to bring the offenders to justice in court and the judges have relatively more clear guidelines for case consideration and sentence.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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