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    Title: 研究機構進行技術移轉之影響因素的探討_以工業技術研究院為例
    A Study of Critical Factors in Technology Transferring Conducted by Research Institution _ ITRI as an Example
    Authors: 董振坤
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 技術移轉
    technology transferring
    research institution
    technology commercialization
    new product development
    critical success factor
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 14:21:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在經濟全球化的後金融危機時代中,技術財產權的交易對於推動產業升級,推動新產品及市場發展和進一步推動技術移轉成對現實生產力仍然具有重要市場貢獻的實際意義。不斷豐富技術財產權交易的商業化方法及流程後充分發揮技術財產權交易在市場的領先及先發地位。本研究著重在技術移轉的成功關鍵因素之研究,所以會同時考量到技術應用、市場需求及供應鏈等方面的議題。另外,政府研究機構與企業間的技術移轉對其本身經營成效均是相當重要。對企業而言,此類型的技術移轉已成為其獲取新型技術的重要來源。對政府研究機構而言,政府研發投資的成效係決定於研發成果能否有效地移轉廠商。本研究主要以研究機構之一工業技術研究院技術移轉為主。研究對研究機構及企業而言,進行技術移轉的主要關鍵成功因素為何?研究有以下四個發現;(1)技術移轉業務牽涉層面廣泛、涵蓋多樣專業,包括技術、法律、管理、財務等,宜達到認知一致及雙方資訊回饋的情形下,一定要和對方保持在高頻率溝通。(2)技術移轉需要整合各方資源,所以為了使技術移轉時技術接受者方的技術達到同一個技術水平的情況下,研究機構應為對方隨時準備。(3)雙方背景的懸殊,會影響技術移轉績效;研究機構在避免開發出不符合市場競爭力的商品的情況下,研究機構應一開始就著手彌補這差異。(4)市場變化多端,建議甚至技術移轉期後,仍然應強化後續與企業在技術商品化的互動來因應市場在不同階段的變化。

    關鍵字: 技術移轉、研究機構、技術商業化、新產品開發、成功關鍵因素。
    In the age of post global economy financial crisis, trading of intellectual properties still have real meanings to the market in pushing new products, developing new markets and further pushing technology transfer into producible. After continuous refining IP trading methodologies and processes, business entities will become leaders in their markets.
    This research will focus on success factor in technology transfer with topics in technology applications, market demand and supply chains. Moreover, we will discuss important factors in technology transfer between government research institutions and private enterprises. For private enterprises, it is an important source of obtaining new technology. For government research institutions, performance of the government research investment is determined by whether the result of research and development can be successfully transferred to private enterprises. In this research, we will be mainly discussing technology from Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan.
    In this research, the author will discuss four main findings in key successful factors in technology transfer between the government research institution and private enterprises.
    (1) Technology transfer is very involved in many aspect of business including research and development, law, management and finance, etc. It is best to keep good communication between both entities to reach a common consensus and to keep good feedback.
    (2) Resources from both entities have to be integrated in the process of technology transfer. Therefore, the research institution have to be prepared to have a plan of support for private enterprises to reach the same technology level.
    (3) Difference in background knowledge between both entities will have impact in technology transfer performance. In the beginning, the research institution have to prepare to remedy this difference in recognition to prevent developing a product that is not competitive in the market.
    (4) Market changes fast. The research institution should reinforce interaction between itself and private enterprises in technology commoditization and responds to difference phase of product development and market development.

    keyword : technology transferring, research institution, technology commercialization, new product development, critical success factor.
    Reference: 參考文獻

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