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Title: | 代工轉品牌:外部環境、組織能力與供應商-買者關係對發展自有品牌績效之研究 From contract manufacturer to own branding: the effect of external environment, organizational capabilities and supplier-buyer relationship on the performance of own branding |
Authors: | 王政權 Wang, Cheng Chuan |
Contributors: | 別蓮蒂 黃國峯 王政權 Wang, Cheng Chuan |
Keywords: | 代工業務 自有品牌 量化研究 contract manufacturing own branding quantitative research |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:18:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自1990年代開始,因應眾多新崛起的開發中國家以低廉人力成本優勢切入代工業務及產業中更激烈的價格競爭,台灣產業開始思考如何從過去在代工業務的製造優勢轉投入更高附加價值的活動以維持競爭力,而擁有高利潤率的自有品牌模式成為最受注目的方式,使「代工轉品牌」成為熱門議題。然而自有品牌與製造代工業務是截然不同的商業模式,如何從代工成功轉型經營品牌的關鍵因素持續被關注。本研究即欲透過實證研究,了解從代工轉營品牌績效較佳的廠商當時在外部產業環境、內部組織能力和供應商-買主關係等三方面的獨到之處。
研究結果顯示,代工廠商能長期經營自有品牌績效較佳者,當初品牌選擇的產業及市場具備有低度市場異質性與高度技術動態性的特徵;然而對於科技業來說,高度的技術動態性並不利於品牌的初期發展;而代工時期組織內部的行銷能力、動態能力對於轉營品牌的績效皆沒有顯著的影響性;在供應商-買者關係方面,代工廠商的自有品牌若能與客戶的品牌創造業務差異性,以避免利益衝突,的確可能讓轉營自有品牌初期的績效較佳。本研究結果對於台灣欲從代工轉品牌的廠商具有實務參考性,也在缺乏量化研究的此學術領域提供重要的研究成果。 Since 1990, facing the increasingly intensive price competition from newly developing countries with lower labor and land costs, Taiwan’s firms have begun to consider using advantage of manufacturing from OEM/ODM to other value-added activities in order to be more competitive. Building a brand, which is a high-margin business, becomes the most noticeable fashion, making “from contract manufacturing to own branding” a hot issue. However, brand-building and contract-manufacturing are two totally different business models. The key success factors of transformation are continually studied. This research attempts to understand the key external and internal conditions of the companies who did such the transformation successfully.
To meet empirical investigation by analyzing numerous sample firms from of OEM/ODM to OBM, this research applies quantitative research by using questionnaire survey, with the judging sampling method. After gathering 74 effective samples of qualified companies in Taiwan, this research analyzed the effect of external environment, organizational capabilities and supplier-buyer relationship on own-brand performance. In external environment, “market heterogeneity”, “product life cycle”, “industrial concentration rate” and “technological turbulence” are explored in this research, while “marketing capability” and “dynamic capability” are included as organizational capabilities. I also include the “differentiation degree of own-brand compared to OEM/ODM buyers’ brands” and” the dependence degree on OEM/ODM buyers” as supplier-buyer relationship.
According to the empirical results, the company who chose the target market with lower market heterogeneity and higher technological turbulence can get better performance in OBM in a long run. However, in the high-tech industry, the higher degree of technological turbulence is not beneficial for doing OBM business. In the suppler-buyer relationship, companies are more possible to get better performance in OBM business if they can make higher differentiation of their own-brand compared to their OEM/ODM buyers’ brands. The results of this research could be the reference for future business practice as well as provide significant insight to the academic research. |
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