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Title: | 輔導原理與實務課程對教育系學生輔導概念及心理資本影響之個案研究 Effects of a “ Guidance Theories and Practices “ course preservice Teacher’s Guidance knowledge and Psychology capital : A case study |
Authors: | 吳志鴻 |
Contributors: | 邱美秀 吳志鴻 |
Keywords: | 輔導概念 心理資本 guidance knowledge psychology capital |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:10:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採個案研究法進行研究,以某國立大學教育學系所開設之「輔導原理與實務」課程作為研究個案,探討大一學生在修習該課程後,其自覺輔導概念與心理資本的變化情況。該門課大一學生共有44名,其中包含男性13名及女性31名。資料分為量化及質性資料兩類,量化部分使用「心理資本量表」,用以了解學生心理資本的變化概況,並據之找出心理資本變化較大的六位學生進行訪談。質性資料則包含學生課程週記與訪談內容,用以分析學生輔導概念與心理資本的變化情況。研究結果顯示,修習課程後,學生自覺其輔導概念獲得提升。心理資本方面,雖量表前、後測結果並未達顯著差異,然而在質性資料中,仍可看到學生自述其心理資本提升狀況。研究者亦由質性資料中,歸納出有助於學生提昇輔導概念及心理資本的七項特點,包含1.課前分組提問助於學生學習及省思;2.上課方式多元,取材貼近生活;3.不以考試領導學習、透過議題討論印象更深;4.知識非單向灌輸,強調從做中學;5.分組學習、激發學生創意;6.善用回饋增強信心、提供改進建議;7.注重學習歷程記錄,幫助學生反思。最後研究者據此提出建議,以供相關課程在教學設計時參考。
關鍵詞:輔導概念、心理資本 The purpose of this research was to investigate the changes of undergraduate students in their perceptions of guidance knowledge and psychology capital after they took the course of Guidance Theories and Practices. Participants were 44 freshman students, 13 males and 31 females, who took the course of Guidance Theories and Practices for 18 weeks. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed based on the “Psychology Capital Questionnaire (PCQ),” which was given to the students before and after the one-semester-long class in order to evaluate their changes in psychology capital. Qualitative data included (1) interviews with 6 participants who had significant differences between the pre-test and post-test results of the PCQ, and (2) student weekly class journals. Both of the qualitative data were analyzed for understanding student changes in guidance knowledge and psychology capital and their views regarding the course. No significance was found in quantitative data, but the qualitative data (i.e., the interviews and weekly class journals) indicated that students’ guidance knowledge and psychology capital were enhanced obviously. The findings indicated that student guidance knowledge and psychology capital could be enhanced through the course. Moreover, 7 characteristics of the course that were likely to enhance student guidance knowledge and psychology capital were identified: (1) Students proposed questions before class would help their learning and reflection. (2) Multiple pedagogies and practical contents increased student interests. (3) Discussion would deepen student impression. (4) Learning by doing would increase knowledge attainability. (5) Group learning inspired student creativity. (6) Teacher’s and peers’ feedback enhanced students’ confidence and inspired their thoughts. (7) Learning process records helped student reflection. Finally, suggestions for teachers and future research were made attempting to benefit teacher education in the future.
Keywords: guidance knowledge, psychology capital |
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