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Title: | 都市原住民創業成功模式之研究-以台北市原住民為例 The study on successful entrepreneurial pattern of urban indigenes: a case of Taipei indigenous people |
Authors: | 蔡淑儀 |
Contributors: | 張駿逸 顏愛靜 蔡淑儀 |
Keywords: | 都市原住民 創業模式 就業困境 原住民族綜合發展基金 Urban Indigenes Initiating model Employment predicament Indigenous comprehensive expansion funds |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:46:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近二、三十年來,台灣在貿易自由化趨勢、產業結構調整以及外勞政策等多重因素的影響下,使得原住民社會傳統封閉的部落生產型態逐漸遭受瓦解,許多原住民因為原鄉欠缺就業機會,紛紛離鄉背井移居至都市謀生,但因競爭力不足、適應力不佳而就業困難,致使原住民失業率大幅提高。為能改善現狀,創業便成為良好的途徑之一。政府雖有提供各項措施扶持原住民創業,然而政府所提供之各項政策措施是否能實質有效地協助原住民創業成功?同時在原住民創業過程中,是否不同原住民的特質會影響創業成功模式?緣此,本研究先從「推拉理論」及相關文獻分析光復後原住民遷移都市之原因,選定台北市原住民企業為主體,採用問卷調查方式,以了解其於創業過程中之困境,並探討政府所提供之創業輔導措施能否有效協助原住民創業。最後歸納台北市原住民創業成功模式之四大面向,分別提出改進策略與建議,希冀由不同面向探悉都市原住民創業成功之內涵,以提供原住民改進內在自我特質、政府相關單位形塑適當之外在環境條件的參考。 要言之,本研究所獲致之結論歸納如下: 一、原住民陷入就業困境之主要原因為︰特殊原住民文化與主流文化應對下之社會歧視、原住民人力提供與社會所期待之人力需求未能符合、外籍勞工大舉入境排擠原住民就業,以及政府長期缺乏積極有效之就業政策。 二、影響台北市原住民創業成功之四大面向,包括:(一)個人特質:舉凡教育程度愈高、原住民在家中的排行或有負擔家計的責任感、以及與原漢接觸的程度高,都有助於創業成功。(二)創業歷程:若在創業前有關工作經驗豐富、取得多項相關證照、自有資金充裕,以及積極拓展人際關係等,都能促使創業計畫順利實現。(三)經營方法:如於行銷、財務、會計、帳務等層面處理良好,且能善用原住民文化資源,凸顯產品的獨特價值,當能彰顯創業績效。(四)政府輔導措施:善加利用政府提供的輔導企業營運措施及原住民族綜合發展基金貸款,有助於創業順遂。 三、此外,本研究發現台北市政府雖針對原住民創業提供多項的輔導措施,然而實際申請相關之原住民企業仍為少數;且原住民族綜合發展基金貸款政策,也因貸款過程及貸款擔保方式有欠妥適,致使原住民創業受惠有限,實有必要進行全面之檢討。 Over the past 20 or 30 years, Taiwan under the multiple influence of factors in liberalization of trade trend, industrial structure adjustment and foreign labor policy, etc. make Indigenes productive attitude of clan with close social tradition disintegrated gradually. Because a lot of Indigenes are short of employment opportunity in original country, they migrate to the city in order to make a living. But it is difficult to obtain employment because the competitiveness is insufficient, adaptive capacity is not good, cause Indigenous rate of unemployment to improve by a wide margin. In order to improve the current situation, initiating becomes one of he good ways. Although the government offers multiple measures to help Indigenes initiate, we want to know if the measures are truly and effective to assist Indigenes initiate. And if the different idiosyncrasy of Indigenes, it will affect the initiating model. Therefore, this research is based upon “pull-push theory” and the relevant documents to analyze the reasons the Indigenes migrate to city. And select Taipei Indigenous enterprise, with a series of interviews, to understand their predicament met with course of initiating and whether the government offer could help Indigenes to initiate effectively. Finally, four major factors were sum up, and propose improving the tactics and suggestion separately. It hopes to find out the intension that the urban Indigenes initiate successful, and offer some reference of Indigenes to improve inherent self-specially, and the relevant units of government properly. In short, the study results have shown as follows: 1. The main reasons that the Indigenes falls into predicament of obtaining employment are the social discriminate under the specially Indigenous culture and the major culture, Indigenous manpower offers can’t accord with the society need, foreign labors of manpower demand that the society expects on a large scale , and the government lacks the positive and effective employment policy for a long time. 2. Influence Taipei key factors of successful initiation, including: (1) Idiosyncrasy: The higher education degree, the first kid of a family, the responsibility for home, and high degree contracted with original Chinese, contribute to starting an initiating successfully. (2) Course of initiation: If it is abundant to work relevantly experienced, obtain multiple relevant certificates, own enough fund and actively expand interpersonal relationships, etc., can all impel the plan of initiation to realize smoothly. (3) Management method: Dealing with such aspects as marketing, financial affairs, accounting, account, etc. well, and make the best use and the unique value of Indigenous culture resources can reflect the performance of initiation. (4) The government’s coaching measure: Exploiting enterprise’s operation measure of coaching offered by government and the loan of Indigenous comprehensive expansion funds properly, will contribute to initiating smoothly. 3. Besides, the study shows that the government of Taipei offers multiple coaching measures to the Indigenes, but enterprises are still minority to apply to the coaching measure of government. In addition, the policy of lending of Indigenous comprehensive expansion funds cause Indigenes receive benefits not proper and rightly limitedly, due to its loan course and loan guarantee way. And it carries on overall self-criticism really and necessarily. |
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