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Title: | 知識建構導向電腦支援合作學習環境之學習歷程評估研究 A study on assessing the learning processes of knowledge construction-oriented computer-supported collaborative learning environment |
Authors: | 楊森吉 Yang, Sen Chi |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih Ming 楊森吉 Yang, Sen Chi |
Keywords: | 知識建構 問題解決 序列分析 電腦支援合作學習 knowledge construction problem solving sequential analysis computer-supported collaborative learning |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:18:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探究學習者在wiki共筆、數位閱讀標註及知識論壇三種不同知識建構導向之電腦支援合作學習環境下,其合作知識建構與問題討論歷程差異,再則這三種不同學習環境是否營造不同知識建構氛圍,以及對支援知識建構是否有所欠缺。最後,針對研究結果提出有效知識建構教學的實施策略與建議。 本研究採實驗研究法,以某國立大學數位碩士在職專班19名研究生為研究對象,分別依序體驗包括wiki共筆、合作式數位閱讀標註及知識論壇三種各具特色的知識建構導向合作學習環境,進行知識建構討論與分享,藉由搜集觀察上述三種學習環境之知識建構歷程討論及成果記錄,進行知識建構及問題解決討論概念編碼後,進行序列分析,依此觀察學員們知識建構演進之歷程,並評估問題討論的互動程度,最後輔以半結構式訪談,與序列分析結果進行交互驗證。 結果發現學員在wiki共筆、合作式數位閱讀標註及知識論壇三種知識建構環境上,共同合作建構產出的知識建構成果均呈現一定品質水準,確實有助於輔助學生之共同知識建構成長。此外,三種電腦支援合作知識建構學習環境中,知識論壇在適當教學設計與學習策略實施下,較能發揮知識建構水準;知識論壇相當適合於問題解決討論;三種知識建構導向之電腦支援合作學習環境,對於完整支援知識建構仍有不足需要強化之處,特別是為促使學員更深入討論,以達更深層的知識建構,需要更好的教學設計與學習策略。 最後本研究根據研究結果,歸納出幾點建議,作為教師在進行合作知識建構教學時,選擇電腦支援合作學習環境之參考,並對未來研究方向提出建議。 The major purpose of the present study was investigate the learners would have the differences of the progress of knowledge construction and problem discussion, which were under the three different guided knowledge construction in the computer-supported collaborative learning environments, the three learning environments including wiki, knowledge-based annotation learning system, and Knowledge Forum. A secondary purpose of this study was to examine if these three different learning environments would build the variety atmospheres of knowledge construction, and then the deficiency in the computer-supported collaborative learning. Finally, the conclusion drawn above should be proposed the efficient policy and suggestion in relation to the effective teaching of knowledge construction. The method to carry out this study was using an experimental research. The participant in this research were 19 postgraduate students enrolled in executive master of digital systems in one national university. In this experiment, all participants experienced the three different guided knowledge construction in the computer-supported collaborative learning environments in order, each differs from one another, including, wiki, knowledge-based annotation learning system, and Knowledge Forum. Furthermore, all subjects focused on the discussion and shared the progress of the knowledge construction and the results of the accomplishment by searching and observing the above three varied environments. The data of knowledge construction and problem solving were to conceptual encoded and processed the sequential analysis in order to observe the evolution of the progress of knowledge construction of all subjects, and to estimate the level of interaction of problem discussion. Lastly, we used the auxiliary semi-constructed interview and the result of sequential analysis to work with the cross-validation. The findings suggest that the participants produced the conclusions with coordinated knowledge construction which appeared in a certain quality, and this result indeed helped learners to grow-up in the coordinated knowledge construction. Additionally, Knowledge Forum firstly developed well standard under the congruent design and tactic of teaching in these three computer-supported collaborative learning environments. And then Knowledge Forum would be even more proper to discuss the problem solving. However, there is an insufficient part which needs to be strength of the three guided computer-supported collaborative learning environments for the complete computer-supported learning environments, most particularly, to be able to stimulate the subjects would go deep into the discussion in order to achieve the more depth of the knowledge construction, at the same time require the preferable instructional design and learning strategy. On the basis of the findings we sum up the few suggestions: As teacher, this study would be a reference to choose computer-supported collaborative learning environment when teach the coordinated knowledge construction, and then to address the suggestion in relation to the future research. |
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