Abstract: | 自從歐盟的排放權交易機制(emissions trading scheme,以下簡稱ETS)於2005 年正式啟動之後,許多必須參與ETS 之產業,相當擔心該產業的競爭力下降,因此,對於歐盟應如何處理此類潛在的競爭力下降問題,逐漸成為一項討論的焦點。同時,美國雖然並未簽署京都議定書,因此並未負有國際法上的義務進行溫室氣體的減量工作,但亦有數位國會議員提出立法草案,希望透過國內法管制美國的溫室氣體,例如於2007 年所提出的「氣候安全法」草案,除了提議針對六種溫室氣體進行減量、建立美國的排放上限與交易制度之外,亦要求美國之行政部門督促外國政府採取相當之溫室氣體減量措施,且提案中要求自2020 年之後,所謂「溫室氣體密集產品」於進口時,亦必須自美國國內相關之主管機關取得排放溫室氣體的核發量。由上述可見,對於本國已有採取相關的管制行動以進行溫室氣體減量的國家,考量到產業競爭力的問題,均不排除透過貿易措施-即所謂的「碳邊境措施」,要求進口的產品或服務業同樣必須盡到溫室氣體減量的義務。若顧及到溫室氣體之排放所造成的環境問題係全球性的環境議題,此一管制目的固然無可厚非,但,若該類的邊境措施並非單純以降低全球之溫室氣體排放量為主要考量,卻係以保護國內產業為主要目的,則該些措施的設計以及執行,即必須透過一些客觀性的標準予以衡量。為了環境保護之目的所採取的貿易措施,向來於GATT/WTO 下引發諸多的爭議以及貿易爭端,因此,透過相關案例法的累積,有相當豐富的研究素材可以作為用來衡量或評估所謂的「碳邊境措施」的正當性,此即為本研究計畫主要之研究目的之一。航空器的溫室氣體排放量有逐年增加的趨勢,因此,歐盟預計於2011 年將歐盟級的航空業者正式納入ETS 中,並於2012 年將有歐盟航線的外國籍航空業者也納入ETS 中。雖然針對航空服務業,GATS 之空運服務附件,將航權及與航權之行使直接相關之服務排除於GATS 之適用範圍外,也因此目前有關民用航空器納入ETS 之法律分析均不涉及其與GATS 之互動,但其為目前唯一一個即將實施、針對外國產業的「碳邊境措施」,因此,本文將假設若航權並未被排除於GATS 之外、而歐盟亦於其特定承諾表中承諾開放航權此一航空服務業,歐盟將外國籍的航空業者亦納入ETS 下,有無可能違反GATS 的規定?此一個案的討論對於本研究計畫的第一個研究目的而言相當重要,因透過歐盟對於納入外國籍航空業者的「碳邊境措施」之制度設計以及執行成果的瞭解,有助於本研究聚焦化「碳邊境措施」的分析。 The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) of the European Union began to operate in 2005. Some industries under the ETS have grave concern on their competiveness, in particular with those industries whose own countries do not have comparable regulatory regime to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs). The EU, thus, began to pick up such debate in the review of their ETS system. Meanwhile, the US, although bearing no international obligation to reduce GHGs, is also contemplating introducing legislation to set its own emissions reduction target in the draft 2007 Climate Security Act. Under this draft proposal, imported goods from countries without taking GHGs reduction measures will need to purchase emissions allowances upon their importation. All such trade measures that target goods and services from countries that do not adopt GHGs emissions reduction strategies—the so-called “carbon border measures”—could become a weapon for trade protectionists if their true rationale has nothing to do with tackling climate change. In order to make sure that such carbon border measures will not become a tool for protectionism, this research project seeks to analyse such carbon border measures from the perspectives of their legal compatibility with the GATT/WTO. On another front, due to the increasing emissions from international aviation, the European Commissions is proposing to incorporate aviation activities under the current ETS. Under the current proposal, from 2011, emissions from flights between airports in the EC, and from 2012, emissions from all flights arriving at and departing from EC airports should be included in the ETS. Such proposal has aroused controversial debates, in particular its compatibility with the 1944 Chicago Convention, several bilateral air services agreements, and regulations under the ICAO. Under the “Annex on Air Transport”, traffic rights and services directly related to the exercise of traffic rights are excluded from the GATS. This is the main reason why most of the legal analysis does not focus on the WTO. However, as the incorporation of non-EU aircraft operators under the ETS is the only concrete “carbon border measures”, this research will use it as a case study under the presumption that traffic rights were included in the GATS and whether the current EC proposal is compatible with the GATS or other WTO regulations. |