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    政大典藏 > College of Law > Department of Law > Theses >  Item 140.119/52783
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    Title: 員工持股計畫中受任人義務之研究
    A study of fiduciary duty under employee stock ownership plan
    Authors: 李松諺
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Keywords: 員工持股計畫
    Employee stock ownership plan
    Fiduciary duty
    Employee retirement income security act
    Internal revenue code
    Exclusive benefit rule
    Duty of prudence
    Duty of diversification
    Business judgement rule
    Hostile takeover
    Defined contribution plan
    Defined benefit plan
    Pass through voting
    1 person per share
    Mirror voting
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-04-17 09:17:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 員工持股計畫是由財經律師Louis Kelso所創,在美國已行之多年,廣為美國企業所採。最早的員工持股計畫是一種為了和平地從資本家手中移轉資本給員工、縮減貧富差距的工具。為了使這個計畫可以持續有效地運作下去,立法者將員工持股計畫為退休金計畫的一種,使員工必須長期持有股票,直到退休。然而在實務運作上,員工持股信託經常被運用為防止敵意併購的工具。尤有甚者,某些公司內部人會利用員工持股計畫為自己取得大量資金、移轉投資風險,但仍可保留對於公司的控制力。這些行為都有可能對股東及員工造成不利的影響,但在現行法制下,只能仰賴司法者透過判決保護這些經濟及資訊上的弱勢族群。
    Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) which is created by Louis Kelso is brought to practice for many years. Many enterprises use it as their retirement pension plan. The earliest employee stock ownership plan to transfer the capital frome capitalists to labors and reduce the disparity between the rich and the poor.In order to make the plan work out continueously and effectively, the legislator devise ESOP as a pension fund which makes employee own stock chronically until they retires. However, in practice, ESOP is usually exercised for preventing hostile takeover. Moreover, some company insiders may use ESOP TTO get a great deal of capital and transfer the investment risk, but still own the controlling power to their company. This behaviors will cause some harmful effects to the shareholders and the employees, but in the current legal system,the only one we can depend is the judge who can protect the minority in the economic and the information.
    ESOP is exercised by many enterprises in Taiwan. But after 20 years, it can only become one of the tools which assist employees to acquire company stocks.The number of shares which employees owns can’t make them have a posi-tion which let the company insiders take account in the shareholder committee and have enough amounts for their retirement pensions.This disparity in scale is the keypoint what is different between Tiwan and the U.S. ESOP. Althoygh small scale makes the adventage of ESOP decrease, it reduce lots of agency costs. To this day, there’re not any events which injure the interests of employees by ESOP. Never-theless, it doesn’t mean that ESOP in Taiwan is a issue which can be neglected. If we can establish an efficient legal system and extend the scale of ESOP, employees can obtain more company interests and have a security of their retirement life.In the opposite, after researching the problem of the U.S. ESOP, we can assume the culpably misconduct which will happen in the future and repair the house before it rains。I believe that a efficient ESOP can realize the ideal to solve the problem of uneven distribution of the wealth.
    Reference: 一、中文部分(依作者姓氏筆畫排列)
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    (四) 法院判決
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    (三) 法院判決
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    55. North American Catholic Educational Programming Foundation, Inc. v. Gheewalla ,930 A. 2d 92 (Del.,2007).
    56. Pressroom Unions-Printers League Income Security Fund v. Continental Assurance Co., 578 F.Supp. 1518(1983).
    57. Simmons v. Oliver, 74 Wis. 633, 43 N.W. 561 (1989).
    58. Shamrock Holdings, Inc. v. Polaroid Corp., 559 A. 2d 257 (Del. 1989).
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    61. Summers v. State Street Bank & Trust Co. 453 F.3d 404 (7th Cir., 2006).
    62. Thompson v. Avondale Indus., Inc., 2003 U.S.Dist. LEXIS 2318 (2003).
    63. Trenton v. Scott Paper Co.,832 F.2d 806, 809(3rd Cir.,1987).
    64. Unitrin v. American General Corp., 651 A. 2d 1361 (Del. 1995).
    65. Unocal Corporation v. Mesa Petroleum Co., 493 A. 2d 946 (Del. 1985).
    66. Wright v. Oregon Metallurgical Corp., 360 F. 3d 1090,1093 (9th Cir., 2004).
    (四) 行政函釋
    1. 44 Federal Register 37, 221.
    2. Drpartment Of Labor Register § 2509.75-8
    3. Internal Revenue Service, Private Letter Ruling NO. 200052014 (12/29/2000).
    4. IRS NOTICE 88-56, I.R.B. 1988-19 (Q&A: 7).
    5. Revenue Ruling 59-60, 1959-1 CB 237.
    6. Revenue Ruling 84-155, 19842 C.B. 95.
    7. SEC Release No.33-6188 (1980).
    8. SEC Release No. 33-6281 (1981).
    9. Treasury Regulations § 1.1401-1.
    10. Treasury Regulations § 54.5975-11.
    11. Treasury Regulations § 54.5975-7.
    (五) 網路資源
    1. Employee Benefit Research Institute, available at: http://ebri.org/ .
    2. ERISA in the United States Code: Cross-reference table, table of contents(detailed). Available at: http://benefitslink.com/erisa/crossreference.html .
    3. Federal Register, available at: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/index.html .
    4. The Charters of Freedom, available at: http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declaration.html
    5. The Employee Share Ownership Centre, available at: http://www.mhcc.co.uk/esop/esop/default.asp?nav=home .
    6. THE ESOP ASSOCIATION, ESOP STATISITCS, available at: http://www.esopassociation.org/media/media_statistics.asp
    7. The Kslso Institute, available at http://www.kelsoinstitute.org/index.html.
    8. The National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) , available at: http://www.nceo.org/.
    9. NewYork Times BLOG > Journalismo > Sam Zell: Grave Dancer, By Bob Norman, Tue., Apr. 3 2007, available at: http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/pulp/2007/04/sam_zell_grave_dancer.php .
    10. NewYork Times, Times Topics > People > Z > Zell, Sam, Updated: Aug. 31, 2009, available at: HTTP://TOPICS.NYTIMES.COM/TOP/REFERENCE/TIMESTOPICS/PEOPLE/Z/SAM_ZELL/INDEX.HTML?SCP=1-SPOT&SQ=SAM%20ZELL&ST=CSE .
    11. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page .
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097651024
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