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    Title: 新聞記者尋人行為研究:以小人物消息來源採訪為例
    People-seeking research: How journalists seek their sources
    Authors: 徐志偉
    Hsu, Chih Wei
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Hsu, Chih Wei
    Keywords: 尋人行為
    people-seeking behavior
    information seeking behavior
    distributed cognition
    social network
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2011-10-11 16:47:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 有別於傳統新聞學研究探討記者與消息來源的互動關係,因礙於研究對象的預設限制,因而相關研究大多僅探討記者如何與消息來源培養、鞏固、強化及修補關係,對於記者如何尋覓至消息來源卻少有著墨。有鑑於此,本研究試圖跳脫以往僅以政治人物或公關人員作為研究對象,乃以低社會能見度之小人物作為消息來源,試以探究記者在尋找小人物消息來源的過程中,如何運用環境周遭的物質工具及人際關係網絡等中介資源以達成任務。



    As previous studies have emphasized on journalist-source relationship for a long time, they provide a jumping-off point for this study to divert from them. In terms of traditional research subjects (politicians and public relations), most of those studies mainly focus on how journalists develop, cement, augment and repair mutual relationship with their sources. However, the question of how journalists seek for their sources has been rarely discussed. Therefore, this study attempts to turn to low-status sources (i.e. ordinary people) and examine how journalists manipulate artifacts and social networks to seek for them.

    This study conducted by in-depth interview and participant observation shows that the institutionalization of newspapers makes big impacts on journalists’ people-seeking behavior. At the first phase, journalists will be cultivated to form specific hypotheses for the type of sources they are seeking for. Second, it may cause ordinary people news necessary to compete with other news genres for news pages. Finally, it may also cause some of ordinary people news stories to be omitted. However, even though journalists’ people-seeking behavior is constricted to the social structure, they are still able to exercise their agency in the use of information and communication technology to extend the time of newsgathering and to ensure all potential ordinary people news will be found. Moreover, those hypotheses for the people they are seeking for are not totally controlled by journalists’ representational systems either but constituted recursively.

    In addition, social networks are also one of indispensable resources for journalists’ people-seeking behavior. According to research results, the factor that impacts journalists on deciding which intermediary they will ask help for is based on mutual relational characteristics. Journalists will use weak ties to access new information and strong ties as a bargain chip to negotiate with weak ties for resource exchange.

    In sum, during the process of people-seeking, journalists’ cognitive functions will be distributed and offloaded to the mediated resources in the situation in a cooperative way to ease the cognitive burden imposed on their brains. In addition, the usage of mediated resources also depends on the situation journalists stay in, which enables them to perceive the function of each mediated resource. All in all, journalists’ knowledge of people-seeking behavior rests on how they consider the situation and manipulate mediated resources properly to solve their tasks.
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