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Title: | 工會與企業勞資關係之研究─夥伴關係建構及發展 Study on the industrial relationship between trade union and enterprise: partnership construction and development |
Authors: | 楊立裕 |
Contributors: | 顏良恭 Yen, Liang Kung 楊立裕 |
Keywords: | 國營企業 勞資關係 工會 夥伴關係 生命共同體 state-owned enterprises industrial relationship trade union partnership the life together |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:53:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國營企業政策性因素虧損,造成企業經營、勞工生計、和工會生存遭遇困境。為了解決困境,工會和企業在勞資關係當中必須透過新的互動發展夥伴關係。 本研究旨在探討夥伴關係在工會與企業勞資關係當中建構和發展的過程。研究發現,夥伴關係存在的要素是:工作權的保障,自主的工會和勞工參與制度。歸納分析夥伴關係的四種模式是:悲觀,相互收益,相互制約,生命共同體等模式。 顧及企業經營、勞工生計、和工會生存,可持續發展的夥伴關係並的是「生命共同體」模式。 Policy-related factors cause the financial loss of state-owned enterprises, and resulting in the business management, the worker livelihoods, and the trade union survival had run into dilemma. In order to solve the predicament, the trade union and the state-owned enterprise in the industrial relationship is needed to develop a new interactive partnership. This study was to explore the partnership in the industrial relationship between the trade union and the state-owned enterprise with the process of construction and development. This study has found that the existence elements of the partnership are: the right to work safeguard, independent trade union, and worker participation. And the four modes of partnership are: the Pessimistic, the Mutual Gains, the Mutual Restraint, and the Life Together. Taking into account the business management, the worker livelihoods, and the trade union survival, the partnership for sustainable development is the " Life Together" mode. |
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