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Title: | 德國海外派兵政策:1991-2009 Germany`s overseas military deployment: 1191-2009 |
Authors: | 謝佳振 Hsieh, Chia Cheng |
Contributors: | 李明 Lee, Ming 謝佳振 Hsieh, Chia Cheng |
Keywords: | 正常化 德國統一 基本法 聯邦國防軍 北大西洋公約組織 歐洲聯盟 共同外交與安全政策 彼得斯堡原則 normalcy German re-unification Grundgesetz Bundeswehr NATO EU CFSP Petersberg Task |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 02:04:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 90年代起,德國再統一後躍上全球政治舞臺,從過去歐洲安全的顧慮之國,轉型成為今日歐洲政治、經濟與軍事穩定力量。但是在後冷戰時期,過去許多次級威脅因子失去了壓抑力量後,成為後冷戰時期新形態的安全議題,威脅全球政治與經濟的穩定與安全。面對這些紛踵沓至的威脅,德國一方面必須鞏固與維護自身冷戰期間所累積的經貿成就,另一方面則積極配合聯合國、北大西洋公約組織與歐洲聯盟的決策,派遣聯邦國防軍遠赴海外,從事維和、軍事、人道與救援等國際性任務,追求自身外交正常化的目標。 本文研究發現,1991年至2009年為止,聯邦國防軍在過去19年來的71項海外維和、軍事、人道與救援等國際性任務,都嚴格限定在聯合國、北約與歐盟憲章的框架下,恪遵既有的國際秩序與國內憲法規範,實踐身為聯合國、北約與歐盟成員國的義務,成為上述三大國際組織最倚賴的軍事力量。 雖然歷年來德國政府已透過具體的立法與釋憲過程,排除《基本法》限制德國海外派兵政策的規範,但是行政部門的決策過程中仍須面臨國內外輿論對於德國海外派兵政策的反對與疑慮;加上德國政府每年投入國防建軍的經費有限,聯邦國防軍的軟硬體設備未必能夠負擔高頻率與海外派兵任務,眾多因素都使聯邦國防軍多年來的派兵成效有限。 德國再統一後雖於積極參與三大國際組織框架行動,配合自身的外交折衝談判與軍事影響力,欲積極重塑其國家的地位。面對諸多主客觀的限制與未臻成熟的條件,德國重返正常化國家的過程仍將艱辛無比。 Since the re-unification in 90’s, Germany has leaped upon the stage of the global politics. With much effort, Germany has successfully rendered itself from “a nation of grave concern to European security” into “a stable political, economic and military power in modern Europe.” However, during the post-Cold War era, those probable and minor threats, which were suppressed by the huge atmosphere of U.S.-Soviet confrontation, will appear to became the new forms of security issues in the 21st century, and further to jeopardize the global political and economic security and stability. Dealing with these countless and non-stopping new forms of threat, Germany, on the one hand, must secure its existent accomplishment in trade and the miracle of economic development, and also, on the other hand, actively accommodate the decisions and charters of the United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Union, to pursue Germany’s “normalized diplomacy ”by deploying its Federal Defense Army, Bundeswehr, into the overseas hostile spots, to implement the peacekeeping, military, humanitarian and rescue operations. From 1991 to 2009, Bundeswehr has participated in 71 international peacekeeping, military, humanitarian and rescue operations, which were all implemented strictly under the framework and the charters of the UN, NATO and EU. Over the past 19 years, Germany has obediently complied with the existent regulations of the international laws and the German constitution, Grundgestez, and fulfilled the compulsory obligations as the member of the 3 institutions stated above. For this matter of fact, Bundeswehr has become the reliable military force in these institutions. This thesis has drawn the humble conclusions that although the German executive branches has overruled the legal obstacles and set new paths of deploying Bundeswehr overseas by the legislative move and the explication of the Grundgestez, the executive branches will always tackle the domestic criticism and the international skepticism; meanwhile, the executive branches have never allocated even more sufficient annual budget for the military branches to maintain its readiness-rate, therefore the training of personnel, software, equipment and facilities may not genuinely satisfy the needs for actual battles and afford the frequent and distant operations. The combination of these problem has compromised the actual consequence and the efficiency of Germany’s overseas military deployments in the past two decades. Having endeavored so hard to comply with the operations under the framework of the three major institutions, accompanying its maneuvering of diplomacy and military significance, Germany will still have to give much toil and labor to re-shape its international status. Nevertheless, being obstructed by the immature subjective and objective conditions, Germany’ road returning to its Normalcy of the state will still be long and difficult. |
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