题名: | 消費者對基因改造食品之願付溢價分析: 以餵食基因改造飼料鮭魚為例 Evaluating Consumers` Willingness to Pay a Premium for Non-Genetically Modi¯ed Foods: A Case Study of GM-fed Salmon |
作者: | 林辰彥 |
贡献者: | 江振東 林辰彥 |
关键词: | 願付價格 加速失敗模型 WTP AFT model |
日期: | 2006 |
上传时间: | 2009-09-17 18:49:18 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 以往對於消費者對基因改造食品偏好及願付價格估計之研究,如 Moon (2001)、Chern et al. (2002)和Fu (2004),都是將兩個研究目的 分開個別處理,因此就統計的觀點來說,這樣的分析方式是比較缺乏 效率的。 本研究中提出一個整合式的分析方式,來分析台灣消費者對於基 因改造食品的偏好以及願付溢價。本方法除了增進統計效率外,也同 時納入願付價格分析中可能遇到因為受訪者對該財貨有強烈偏好,對 於該財貨有再高價格都願意支付的傾向,因此預期本方法將可提供更 高的準確度。 為了研究台灣民眾對基因改造鮭魚的認知行為,中央研究院調查 研究專題中心在2003 年進行了全台的電話訪問。而本研究發現台灣消 費者願意多付目前平均市價之12%來購買非基因改造飼料餵食之鮭 魚。此外,消費者本身對於基因改造科技的看法、對基因改造科技的 了解、以及消費者的年齡將扮演影響消費偏好以及願付溢價的高低之 重要因素。 Previous researchers, such as Moon (2001), Chern et al. (2002), and Fu et al. (2004), attempted to analyze consumer preference toward genetically modi¯ed pro- duces and to estimate a willingness to pay for them. These two objectives, however, have been conducted separately and therefore are de¯cient in statistically e±ciency. An integrated technique is introduced to understand how consumers in Taiwan perceive genetically modi¯ed produce as well as how much they are willing to pay a premium simultaneously. Apart from improving statistical e±ciency, this newly proposed method also considers the possibility that consumers might be willing to any price if he/she strongly prefer this goods. Higher precision is expected under this scenario. To investigate how public perceive genetically modi¯ed salmon, Center for Sur- vey Research, Academia Sinica, conducted a telephone survey to Taiwanese con- sumers in 2003. Our study indicates that consumers are willing to pay a premium, about 12% of the average market price, for non-GM-fed salmon rather than GM-fed counter part. Moreover, the way consumers think of the risk regarding GM food, how much they know about GM food, and their age will all in°uence their consump- tion tendency and willingness to pay. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 統計研究所 94354007 95 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0943540071 |
数据类型: | thesis |
显示于类别: | [統計學系] 學位論文
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