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    题名: 「國家」行銷—公眾外交的新思維
    the marketing of "nation": the new thinking of public diplomacy
    作者: 曾秉芳
    Tseng, Ping-Fang
    贡献者: 姜家雄
    Tseng, Ping-Fang
    关键词: 公共外交
    public diplomacy
    brand nation
    international propaganda
    national image
    the marketing of “nation”
    the public diplomacy of PRC
    Confucius Institute
    日期: 2005
    上传时间: 2009-09-17 17:53:47 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本文從分析國際環境的變化開始,在資訊傳播科技的進步和國際社會價值觀的變化中,整理出國家管理國家形象的三種方法:國際宣傳、公眾外交和國家品牌。本文將公眾外交和國家品牌作結合,建構出本論文的主題:「國家」行銷。


    This thesis paper drew four conclusions: (1) illustrated the difference between “international propaganda” and “public diplomacy” (2) collected and cataloged different definitions of “public diplomacy” (3) established the analytical model-the marketing of “nation”, trying to describe, explain or predict the whole scenery of “public diplomacy” (4) taking the public diplomacy of People’s Republic of China(PRC) for example, examined the effectiveness of the marketing of “nation”.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0922530091
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