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Title: | 應用品質機能展開發展使用者導向之圖書館館藏評鑑系統 Applying Quality Function Deployment to Develop Library Collection Evaluation System based on User Needs |
Authors: | 陳廣宗 Chen, Kuang Chung |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen , Chih Ming 陳廣宗 Chen, Kuang Chung |
Keywords: | 圖書館評鑑 館藏評鑑 品質機能展開 品質屋 使用者需求 使用者導向 Library evaluation Collection evaluation Quality Function Deployment House of Quality User needs User Oriented |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:59:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 館藏評鑑是圖書館館藏發展中重要的一環,圖書館透過館藏評鑑了解館藏的現況優劣,包括內容品質、使用情形、使用者的需求差異等層面,作為修正採訪策略或讀者服務的參考。然而基於人力、成本等因素,館藏評鑑常成為圖書館的負擔,對於資源不足的中小型、基層圖書館而言,更是艱難的工作,所以尋求一套相對簡易的方法,以節省人力物力的方式進行館藏的評估,是有其需求的。
因此,本研究嘗試以「品質機能展開(Quality function deployment,QFD)」為基礎,發展一套半自動化的「使用需求導向館藏評鑑系統」,希望以系統化和新的不同評鑑模式來輔助館藏評鑑。本系統所應用之資料來源為使用者問卷調查以及圖書館自動化系統的各種紀錄,透過品質機能展開,以量化的方法將兩者做矩陣式的對應和計算並求得結果,作為輔助館藏評鑑時的參考。
研究之發現有以下幾點:1.應用品質機能展開所開發之系統,確實可應用於館藏評鑑,但較適合觀察長期趨勢;2. 不同使用者族群對圖書館館藏重視之層面可能有差異,此差異在本系統中會對結果造成影響,影響幅度由需求差異大小決定;3.無法量化計算的質性使用者需求,仍然受到使用者重視,在館藏評鑑中亦相當重要;4.本研究所開發之系統,有助於資源不足之基層圖書館館藏評鑑作業的推動。 Library collection evaluation is one of important part of collection development, to understand the goodness or weakness of collection. It includes quality of content, analyzing of use, user needs, etc. But because of lake of staff and funds, collection evaluation becomes a burden to many libraries. To small libraries, it is more difficult. So it is necessary to develop a simple method to save the cost and labors for libraries.
This study applies the Quality Function Deployment to develop a half-automatic library collection evaluation system, hoping to help collection evaluation works in a systematic, efficient way. The system in this study uses two kinds of data for computing: questionnaire survey of user needs and library automation system records. By applying the Quality Function Deployment, the system can combine above data and records, and generate analysis of collection and user needs in graphics. Finally, it can help decision making according to this information.
This study takes Taipei Muzha vocational high school as the object, the method and procedures would be: questionnaire survey, system developing and analyzing, interview with librarians.
The study obtains following conclusions: 1.Applying QFD, this system can help collection evaluation in practical, but it is more suitable to observe long-term trends than short-term; 2. Different group of users concern different needs in using library collections, those differences will affect the result of this collection evaluation system; 3. Some user needs can not be quantitated for system progressing, part of those needs are important in users’ opinions, so in a practical collection evaluation work, libraries can not ignore them; 4. This collection evaluation system can help some small-scale, basic-level, insufficient-resource libraries to accomplish their collection evaluation work. |
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