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Title: | 公司融資選擇與財務特性之研究-以台灣資訊電子業為例 |
Authors: | 莊雅雲 Chuang, Ya-Yun |
Contributors: | 杜化宇 莊雅雲 Chuang, Ya-Yun |
Keywords: | 融資選擇 財務特性差異 台灣資訊電子業 Financial choices Financial characteristics Taiwan public issuing firms |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 |
Abstract: | 近年來,隨著台灣金融環境自由化,再加上金融創新的趨勢使然,各種不同的對外公開融資工具紛紛出籠,企業可以依照公司之所需及當時經濟環境狀況來決定其要選擇的融資工具,而在這樣的研究背景之下,本研究針對國內電子資訊業上市櫃公司,以民國88年到民國93年為研究期間,探討公司四種對外公開融資選擇與其財務特性差異之間的相關性研究,主研究內容包括選擇負債與權益融資之公司財務特性差異,以及選擇國內與國外融資之公司財務特性差異,利用Panel Logit Model-多項邏輯迴歸模型,在研究資料為連續時間固定樣本的Panel Model形式,加入時間效果或個別企業效果,探討公司財務特性差異與其選擇融資工具及融資地點之間的相關性研究。研究結果如下:
有關公司選擇在國內或國外進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇以負債工具進行融資時,規模愈大或是營運風險愈高的公司,相較於選擇在國內融資,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資;而當公司選擇以權益工具進行融資時,財務風險愈高的公司,相較於選擇在國內融資,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資。 In recently years, with the liberalization and innovation trends in financial institutions, there are more and more different kinds of financing instruments that corporations can choose to finance their capital needs. Under such environment, this paper attempts to find out the relationships between corporations’ financial choices and their financial characteristics. Based on the data of Taiwan public issuing firms’ data from 1999 to 2004 and the Panel Logit Model adding time or individual firm effect, this paper not only investigates the differences of financial characteristics between firms choose debt or equity financing instruments, but also analyzes the differences of financial characteristics between firms choose domestic or international financing. The main empirical results are as follows:<br>1.Non-Panel Logit Model
For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose domestic financing, the smaller the size, the lower the growth rate, the higher the profitability, financial risk and operational risk, firms will more tend to choose equity instruments for financing. On the other hand, when firms choose international financing, the larger the size and the higher the profitability, firms will more tend to choose equity instruments.
As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, firms will be more willing to finance internationally when their size are larger.
<br>2.Panel Logit Model with Time Effect
For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose to finance domestically, the larger the size, the higher the growth rate, the lower the financial and operational risk, firms will tend to choose debt instruments for financing. As for the time effect, firms will more tend to use domestic debt instrument for financing from 2001 to 2004. On the other side, when firms choose to finance internationally, they will be more willing to choose debt instruments for financing when their size are smaller. Moreover, this tendency is more apparently from 2003 to 2004.
As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, firms will tend to finance internationally when their size get larger. Moreover, this effect is more influential in 2003.
<br>3.Panel Logit Model with Individual Firm Effect
For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose domestic financing, the smaller the size, the lower the growth rate, the higher the profitability, financial risk and operational risk, firms will more tend to use equity instruments for financing. On the other hand, when firms choose international financing, the smaller the size, the higher the profitability and financial risk, they will more tend to choose equity financing instruments.
As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, when firms choose debt financing, the larger the size and operational risk, the more willingness of firms to choose international financing. Meanwhile, when firms choose equity financing, they will more tend to finance internationally as their financial risk are higher. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財務管理研究所 93357006 94 |
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